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The Hot Wheels Realm

Last Updated:  10-13-1998

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ATTENTION!!!: In order to have lower prices on this site please click on the Cyber Casino Banner at the bottom of your screen.  Thanks

!!!Question of the week!!!

How can this page be improved?

Please send all responses to

11-24-1998: Yes I have finally updated this page.  I have updated the for sale page.  So check out all the new cars.  I will be updating my collection very soon I have tons and tons of bran new cars so it might take a bit to do.  And as always I NEED LINKS please send me your links and link me to your page as well.  Thanks.

10-13-1998: I have updated the for sale page so check it out.  I also plan on updating my collection very soon because I got a whole bunch of new cars.

09-27-1998: Today I added a few more links to the link page.  So check them out.

09-17-1998:  I might be adding a book/cd store to this page.  Please let me know what you think about this and what kind of books and cd you would want.

09-15-1998:  Well today I have added the news page and the link page.  Since this page is new please help me out and E-mail me with any news and or information that you might have.  Also please send me your URL to your Hot Wheels page so you and I can get more hits per day.  Thanks.

09-12-1998: I added the cars I have for sale.  Right now the list is small but that will grow in time.  You can help buy clicking on my sponsors.  The more clicks get the more cars I can get and the cheaper the prices will be.  So take 10 seconds and click on my sponsors.

09-08-1998:  Today I added a very cool site.  It is a 3-d casino site and you can bet and win REAL MONEY.  So take a few minutes and check it out.  Now the internet brings Vegas to you.  What will they do next?  The link is at the bottom of the page.

09-07-1998:  I have added the following pages: My Collection, Chat, Message Forum.  I hope you guys like the chat and message forum.

09-06-1998:  Today marks the launch of the web page.  Hopefully you will find it enjoying although it is bran new it still offers a lot.  In time and with your comments and suggestions I will be able to make this web page bigger and better.  Don't worry I will have lots more for sale in the near future.


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Comments & Suggestions

ATTENTION: Since this page is fairly new any and all suggestions that you have, no matter how small they are, please don't hesitate to tell me.  Your information and feedback could and will greatly affect the progress of this page.  Please E-mail all you comments and suggestions to the following address.

Hay check out the 3-d casino site.  It is one of the coolest sites I have ever been to.  It is a 3-d casino where you can WIN REAL MONEY.  It's like going to Vegas but without leaving your own computer.  So take a few minutes and check it out.

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