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The process of integrates is a process that the Steppers For Chrsit Drill Team uses to bring new members into the organization. The process of a new member is incorporated into the life and or of this ministry. Our goal is to get every child that feels this is something they would enjoy,and be a faithfully active, productive, and progressive part of what God is doing i the earth through Samaria Baptist Church. By working together in this manner using our God - Given Gifts and Talents, we will help to bring the Vision of this Ministry to pass.

Joining - There must be a start up time. One -week period is truly long enough to give new members time to join. Make sure the announcement is clear that after one week no one will be allowed to join until the next enrollment period. Once the enrollment period is over, under no circumstances should anyone, regardless of who they are, be allowed to join. Set rules for age limits, have a starting age such as, 9 years of age, there does not have to be a end age if the person is not to old to follow the chain of command. If you have younger children that would like to join maybe you need to start a smaleer team.

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