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Patricia Ann Herrera
PO Box 4111
Lubbock, TX 79409-0005
806-744-9838 (Home)
806-761-1111 (Pager)


Doctoral Student in Higher Education/Administration, Texas Tech University
Medical Program, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, no degree
Master Degree in Higher Education Program/ Student Affairs Administration, TTU
Bachelor of Science- Major: Cell & Molecular Biology, Minor: Biochemistry, TTU
Pre-Medical Program, El Paso Community College, no degree
Associate in Applied Science- Major: Law Enforcement, El Paso Community College

Special Training Certificates:

Special Officers Training Firearms Training Certification
Emergency Medical Technician Community First Aid & CPR
Scuba Diver, Certified 130 feet Radiation Safety Certified

Technological Experience:

Macintosh & IBM Compatible Computer: PC- MS DOS, Windows, Microsoft-Word,
Excel, Word Perfect, Corel, Power Point, graphs, charts and spreadsheets.
Statistical Programs: SPSS, SAS and QSR-Nudist: Qualitative Research Program
Computer Accessories: Scanner, Cam, Power Point and Laptops.
Multimedia Accessories: VCR, video camera and digital camera.
Graphics: DeskTop Publishing, Photo Shop, Print Shop Deluxe, Paintbrush, Kodak-
Img.comp, bmp and JPEG.
Web Design: HTML, JAVA, Animation, Front Page (IBM) and Page Mill (MAC).
Telecommunications: Electronic mail, FTP and Fax.
Internet: On-Line Research, Search Engines, Browsers (Explorer, Netscape and AOL),
Filter Systems, Etiquette and Procedures online.
Lab Equipment: Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatograph, Column Chromatography,
Incubator, Sterilizer, X-Ray Diffraction, Centrifuge,


Bi-lingual: Spanish

Awards & Achievements:

Dean’s List Texas Tech University
President’s & Dean’s List El Paso Community College
Young Scientist Presidential Award

Scholastic Memberships/ Associations:

American College Personnel Association, ACPA
American Educational Research Association, AERA
Chair Academy: Leadership Training for Chairs, Deans, and Other Organizational Leaders.

Scholastic Memberships/ Associations (con’t):

Minority Faculty and Staff Association, MFSA
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, NASPA
Southwest Educational Research Association, SERA
Texas Association for Chicanos in Higher Education, TACHE
Texas Tech Association for the Advancement of Women in Higher Education - TTAAWHE

Teaching Experience:

Texas Tech University, PASS Program, XL Instructor
South Plains Community College, Orientation Instructor
Texas Tech University, Histology Class Lab T. A.
Texas Tech University, Biology & Chemistry Tutor
El Paso Community College, Biology & Chemistry Tutor
Public and Private School Systems in El Paso and San Diego, Preschool Teacher
(2-years olds through First grade).

Current Leadership Service:

Graduate Student Representative, Graduate School, 1999-2000
Graduate Student Senator, Student Government Association, 1999-2000
Higher Education Student Association, President, Treasurer, 1998-2000
Native American Student Association, President, 1999-2000

University & Community Service:

Boy Scouts of America, Den Leader, 2 years
Boys & Girls Club, Lubbock & El Paso Area, 3 years
Home and School Association, CTK, Vice President, 1 year
Lubbock Soccer Association, Team Coach, 2 years
Mc Nair Scholars Program-Mentor, 1998-2000
Panel Speaker on Diversity Issues, Honors College, TTU, 1999
Office of Cultural Diversity-Jr. Ambassadors Interview Committee, 1999

Work Experience:

Title: Cultural Diversity Research Assistant, Office of the Chancellor, TTU System
Duties: Administrative and office procedures, Researcher: designing research projects and administering research questionnaires/surveys, bulk mailing, data collection and entry, statistical analysis, report writing, and presentation. Development of programs and community outreach. Individual and group projects, community events and seminars. IBM computer skills, web page development and maintenance.

Title: Graduate Research Assistant, Higher Education Program, Texas Tech University
Duties: Substitute in teaching Higher Education sections, curriculum preparation, grade papers, individual and group research projects, statistical analysis, bulk mailings, data collection and administrative office procedures. IBM and Macintosh computer skills, web page development and maintenance. Graphics: brochure and flyer designer.

Title: Physical Therapy Program Graduate Research Assistant, TTUHSC
Duties: Student Services- Pre-screening applications, for selection process, data collection, entry and statistical analysis. Development of statistical packages for analysis of the Physical Therapy Program. Other duties include administrative and office procedures. Macintosh computer skills and MS Word Excel Program.

Title: Executive President and Founder, College of Martial Arts, El Paso & Lubbock, TX
Duties: Plan, develop, initiate, implement, manage, and evaluate academic programs for adults and youth; coordinate with public and private businesses and educational facilities in implementing programs; leadership skills; curriculum & instruction; budgeting; supervise, motivate, and evaluate faculty and staff; faculty and staff development; managing course scheduling; commitment to minorities and special needs students; teaching and research; Office and business management; fund-raising; public and community relations; working with profit and non-profit organizations; student services and special programs; student recruitment, advising, admissions, retention, and promotions; student assessment and development; distance learning; national and international special events; newsletter; alumni activities, service and development; organizational networking; coordinating with the board; Bi-lingual interpreter. IBM, Apple and Macintosh computer skills, and other educational resource materials.

Title: Youth Counselor, Job Source+, summer program, Lubbock, TX
Duties: Supervisor for summer youth over 14 and under 16 years old; Coordinating with non-profit private and public business in Lubbock and Garza Counties in job placement for students; Working with disadvantaged youth especially minorities; Intake; Processing applications; Determining eligibility; Interviewing; Job Search; Testing; Workshops for Job Skills; Job placement; Outreach for special services; Administrative paperwork; Educational and job counselor; Student Assessment; Report writing-student assessment; Coordinate meetings and individual counseling; Attend various meetings with work site supervisors; Graduation ceremony coordinator; Bi-Lingual Interpreter; IBM and compatible software.

Title: Regional Commissioner, American Youth Soccer Association, Lubbock, TX
Duties: Plan, develop, and evaluate recreational programs for youth; Coordinate with public and private businesses and educational facilities in implementing programs; Leadership skills; Curriculum & Instruction; Budgeting; Supervise, motivate, and evaluate faculty and staff; Faculty and staff development; Teaching and Coaching; Office and Business Management; Fund-raising; Public and Community relations; Working with profit and non-profit organizations; Student recruitment, admissions, retention, and promotions; Student assessment and development; Special Events; Bi-Lingual Interpreter; Coordinating with the Board.

Title: Academic Program Assistant and Coordinator of P.A.Y., Texas Tech Medical School
Duties: Program for Area Youth Project Coordinator (planner, developer and evaluator) a two year summer project, non-profit project for disadvantaged youth and minorities in the Lubbock and Garza Counties, nominated for Presidential Award; Supervisor for six Texas college\ university students serving as mentors, and 25 inner city youth between 14 and 21 years old; Coordinating with Texas Tech University, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, University Medical Center, and University Medical Plaza in job placement for students; Writing and submitting grant proposals; Administrative paperwork; Educational counselor; Work scheduling and payroll; Interviewing and job placement; Curriculum and Instruction; Grading Policies and Procedures; Student Assessment and Testing; Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures and Actions; Report writing- student assessment & research and statistical information; Scheduling field trips and transportation; Procurement officer of scholastic books and supplies; Coordinate staff meetings and individual counseling; Attend various meetings with work site supervisors; Graduation ceremony coordinator; Bi-Lingual Interpreter; IBM compatible and software and other educational media.

Title: Medical Research Technician, Texas Tech University Health Science Center
Duties: Researcher & Developer; Organize & Perform scientific experiments (Biological and Chemical); Kept lab notebook; Lab supervisor; Research & development; Ordering supplies; Lab safety; Control of hazardous materials; Radiation safety; Animal safety; Specialty equipment-Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatograph, Incubation Chambers, Environmental chambers, etc.; Surgical skills; Handling of biological tissue and fluids in sterile and non-sterile conditions; Macintosh Computer Skills (Graphing, Drawing, and Layouts); Research poster design and layout.

Title: Student Assistant, Texas Tech University and TTUHSC
Duties: Worked in various departments (Biology, Physics, Physiology) helping professors in the lab, setting up lab equipment, conducting experiments, analyzing data, report writing, and presenting results.

Website Pages:

After Graduation Then What? An On-line Job Search for Faculty Positions:
College Teaching in Higher Education
Education Technology Hot List
Higher Education Student Association Organizational Web site
Integrating the Internet into your Classroom
Minority Faculty and Staff Association Organizational Web site
Native American Student Association Organizational Web site
Office of Cultural Diversity Web site
Rubric Grading System: Evaluating Web Quests

Conference Paper Presentations and Seminars:

"Voices for the Future: College Choice Among African American and Hispanic Females"
TTU 15th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Women in Higher Education
Group paper presentation - April 23, 1999.

"A Single Study of a Hispanic Community College President"
AERA - Annual Meeting, Division A, Graduate Student Paper Presentation, 1998.

"Cultural Leadership: Factors Influencing Development of Hispanic Leadership Skills"
The Chair Academy, Paper Presentation, 1998.

"Post-Secondary Minority Presidents in the United States: Influential Factors Concerning
Development of Leadership Skills", SERA, Graduate Student Paper Presentation, 1997.

"Polygonal Shapes-Math Enrichment in Geometry", Adult Education Seminar Presentation,
Adult Education Conference, JobSource+ and LISD Adult Education Program 1997.

References are available upon request.