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Regine's Home Page

Building Faith and Family in Our Lives:

Faith and family sound a little hokey, but when you get right down to it, they define who we are most of the time. Faith is part of a description of you and me, even if you are an atheist. It's all a matter of WHO you choose to believe in and live for. Whether single or married, with or without children, we are all part of a family on some level.It may reflect our culture, beliefs and connection with other people. God puts people in families! If you would like to write to me , I will try to answer back.(Be patient with me...sometimes I'm a slowpoke!) Live on in God's Love! Click on some of the links below, and learn more :
Thanks Angelfire!

My Favorite Links

EWTN- Learn more about the Catholic Faith!
Diocese of Austin, TX and our awesome Bishop Gregory.
Catholicity- Fun and useful Catholic Website
Priests For Life- A dynamic, positive, educational and ecumenical site!
Home School Legal Defense Fund
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
The Alexander House- Saving Marriages every day!