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Crystal Dragons Clan Command Structure

The Crystal Dragons Clan command structure is based on the feudal monarchies of medieval Europe. All members are expected to follow the orders of their superiors in battle and fight under the command of the highest ranking officer. All members are to obey any instructions of higher ranking officers, especially Barons and Knights. The class or level of a character has no effect on rank.


Rank/Title: Clan High Lord
Tag: HL
Example: Tai'shar(CD-HL)
Descrition: The Clan High Lord Commands the Crystal Dragons Clan, his commands are final and he outranks all. The High Lord can promote or demote anyone for any reason. He can grant Baronhood and Knighthood.

Rank/Title:First Lord
Tag: FL
Description: The First Lord is the High Lords most trusted advisor, and partner in all planning for the guild. He can override the commands of all but the High Lord.

Rank/Title: Baron
Tag: B
Example: Name(CD-B)
Description: Barons are ranked second only to the High Lord, their commands can be overridden only by the High Lord and the First Lord, and must be followed. Each Baron Leads a Baronry, and the number of Baronries in the Clan Depends on the number of Barons. Barons may appoint up to four Knights in their Baronries, The High Lord must be informed, of course. Barons are given their positions only by the High Lord.

Rank/Title: Knight
Tag: K
Example: Name(CD-K)
Description: Knights are ranked just below Barons , their commands can be overridden only by the High Lord , the First Lord or a Baron, and must be followed by those ranked below them. Each Knight belongs to a specific Baronry. Knights can be appointed only by a Baron, The First Lord or the High Lord.

Rank/Title: Infantry
Tag: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Example: Name(CD-1)
Descrition: The Infantry are the bulk of the guild and they can be ranked from 1 to 8. All joining players have the rank of 1, and can gain ranks as they serve the guild. Lower ranking Infantry follow the commands of higher ranking Infantry.


Recruiting: All members are expected to recruit, for the expansion of the guild. Members who recruit many other members will be given promotions and/or awards. Members should try and recruit other members into their own Baronries, but the member has a choice of which to join.

Knigthood and Baronhood: For extensive service to the clan, members can be granted Knighthood or Baronhood. These are positions of extreme honour, and all should strive to reach them through service to the guild.


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