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Crystal Dragons Clan Information

The Crystal Dragons Clan, founded on December 20th 1997, organized and commanded by High Lord Tai'shar, is a Diablo organization based on the founding principle that purity and honour come before all else. This clan completely condemns any form of improving characters by cheating, thus, duplicating items and using trainers to raise a characters power are forbidden to all members. Those despicable slum dwellers who would lower themselves to this cowardly level, who would completely abandon all trace of honour, are forbidden to be members of this society. Any and all members who would dare to cheat as a Crystal Dragon will be banned from the clan and blacklisted.

All Crystal Dragons who wish to battle human targets must fight honourably, and must have agreed before the duel starts on the terms. The Crystal Dragons are in no way against fighting with human targets, but the tactics used must not be those of the ruthless player killers who plague this game. You must NEVER attack a player without first issuing a challenge and having the challenge accepted. Those who are listed on the blacklist must also be challenged, and battle must be honourable. To attack even a clan enemy without first notifying that person is to drop to the level of a scum laden player killer. Duelling other clan members is allowed and even encouraged, as we all like this game for one main pourpose, to have fun.

Members will be required to add (CD-x) to the end of their names upon joining. The 'x' is the players rank, the ranks system is explained in the Command Structure section below. All joining players have a rank of 1. Ranks are gained through service to the clan and promotions are granted by the clan High Lord. Awards are gained and given out in the same manner. Any member can be nominated for promotion or decoration by any other member, if there is good reason. Members are encouraged to send in nominations for promotions and awards whenever they are deserved. If you are saved by another can member, or if they fight with immense bravery, nominate them. Whenever any member does something worthy of any of the criteria listed in the awards section, they must be nominated. Thus all members will get credit where it is deserved. Also, if any member of the Crystal Dragons does something dishonourable, then The High Lord must immediately be notified. Players who have cheated or killed dishohourably will be immediately banned and blacklisted.

Meetings of the Crystal Dragons Clan will take place twice a week, and their times are posted on the news page. It is recommended all joining members be from North America as the meeting time would be quite akward for members over seas. Meetings should be attended as faithfully as possible so the most members possible will know of the things discussed. Important news will be posted on the page until it becomes outdated. When all matters at meetings have been discussed, clan games will be set up.

All clan games will be Crystal Dragons 1, or Crystal Dragons 2, or Crystal Dragons 3 etc. The password is given only to members. The clan channel is Crystal Dragons. Always check for other members on in this channel, and join clan games. Higher level players are encouraged to play games at normal level so lower level players can join, but it is the choice of whoever starts the game.

Please mail the High Lord with any and all suggestions for the clan, those who provide many useful suggestions and ideas for imrovement to the clan will be promoted or awarded.


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