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Crystal Dragons Awards

These are the Crystal Dragons Clan Awards. Members can be decorated only by the High Lord, but can be nominated by other members. Members are encouraged to nominate other members for any worthy deed. They must describe the deed the nominee did in as much detail as possible.


The High Lords Flame

The High Lords Flame is the highest honour bestowable in the Crystal Dragons Clan. It is given by the High Lord for any extreme deed of loyalty, bravery, honour or service done for the guild. Any member receiving this awards is most honourable indeed.


The Mark of Honour

The Mark of Honour is awarded to members who risk their lives, and perhaps die, to save the life of another guild member. If you are saved by another guild member from almost certain death by the minions of evil or another human player, nominate your saviour for this award.


The Mark of the Loyal

The Mark of the Loyal is awarded for completing a task for a commanding officer. All Barons and Knights should tell the High Lord of a member who has performed a service for them. Also for one who helps another clan member out of kindess and not obligation, or helps the clan in general.


The Mark of Bravery

The Mark of Bravery is given to those who fearlessly combat huge numbers of powerful monsters where others would hastily depart the scene. When nominating members for this award, screenshots should be included as proof.


The Mark of Expansion

The Mark of Expasion is given to one who recruits 5 other members into the Guild. Remember to tell the recruit to mention your name or you will not be given credit.


The Mark of Vengeance

The Mark of Vengeance is Awarded to those who bring back the ear of a blacklisted player, or the ear of a pker.


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