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Common Network Topologies


network topology: The specific physical, i.e., real, or logical, i.e., virtual, arrangement of the elements of a network.: Two networks have the same topology if the connection configuration is the same, although the networks may differ in physical interconnections, distances between nodes, transmission rates, and/or signal types.

The common types of network topology are defined in alphabetical order below:
Instances can occur where two basic network topologies, when connected together, can still retain the basic network character, and therefore not be a hybrid network.

For example, a tree network connected to a tree network is still a tree network. Therefore, a hybrid network accrues only when two basic networks are connected and the resulting network topology fails to meet one of the basic topology definitions. For example, two star networks connected together exhibit hybrid network topologies. A hybrid topology always accrues when two different basic network topologies are connected.