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Cassie Bernall...Woman of God

God has put it on my heart to create a page dedicated to a very faithful Woman of God. I did not know Cassie but her story so touched me that it made me want to try for a closer relationship with the one true God and His son Jesus Christ.

She was one of many victims in a high school shooting in Littleton, Colorado. But I feel Cassie's story is a bit different. Cassie can be considered a modern day martyr. Many witnesses testify that the murderer asked her just moments before she died, if she believed in God. Witnesses state she hesitated and replied, "Yes, I believe in God, and you need to follow His path." The gunman shot her immediately in a way that put her instantly with God. This young girl's faith in God cost her the earthly life she had lived for 17 years. However, it gave her the reward of eternal life!

Cassie's father related to People magazine, "There was a reason Cassie died, and that was because she loved the Lord. This is what Cassie was being prepared for. This was her mission."

On the night of her death, Cassie's brother Chris found a poem she had written two days before the massacre. It read:

Now I have given up everything else

I have found it to be the only way

To really know Christ and to experience

The mighty power that brought

Him back to life again, and to find

Out what it means to suffer and to

Die with him. So, whatever it takes

I will be one who lives in the fresh

Newness of life of those who are

Alive from the dead.

Further reports have stated on the same day she wrote the poem that Cassie and other teens at her church had produced a video about their faith. It was shown on a huge screen during her funeral service. "I just try not to contradict myself, to get rid of the hipocrasy and just live for Christ," she said.

Cassie was not the only christian that died that day. But she is the only one that died immediately after professing her faith. May she be an inspiration to you as well!

My prayers go out to all the victims' family and friends.

God Bless You and Keep You Safe!!!

Other Memorials for Cassie

Cassie Bernall Memorial Page
You Went Home At Lunchtime
In Loving Memory of Cassie Bernall
Girl Who Died Confessing her Faith Buried
Cassie Bernall...Christian Martyr, Hero
Cassie's Parents
Generation His
Young Columbine Victim, Martyr to Some
Special Report: Littleton
For All the Children

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