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Promote your business | product | service | or yourself!
to 1000's of readers daily!

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Only takes 5 minutes!
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GetHits.com Website

Create Your Own
Lucrative, Home-Based,
Internet Business!
Be on-line and earning money within hours!

Take the first step, below...

Extra Income In Your Spare Time..

You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!

How Do You Create A Website?
& where do you put it?


What's your plan? Are you going to sell a product? That gets complicated. The easiest way to start earning some money and more importantly, learning and gaining experience is to simply broker information. That's what this site does. We have searched out the most helpful information and compiled it in one location, making it easier for you to digest.That's the benefit for you!

Think of something you have an interest in—books?—games?—on-line shopping?—collecting? These are some things you could have fun with—and earn money while doing it. Now you need to create a place to feature your information/products/services or whatever.

The following sources are extremely helpful.
Most are FREE and provide tutorials for you as well as additional sources for you to use,
You'll be on-line in no time!

Everything Directory On-Line Website Builder - All Free - The directory enables anyone to Build a (5MB) FREE custom web site with our on-line builder, the most advanced page/ site builder on the Internet.Other Tools : WorldTime (over 230 Countries), Daily Currency Rates, NAICS (sic) codes.
FREE Website!
Get a free website. A simple on-line page editor is provided along with basic HTML tips and graphic files. Couldn't be more simple. You don't have to be a computer whiz. (This page was created with Angelfire's page editor!)

No Hassel Website!
Do you want a website, but not the hassel of maintaining it?
We can design your site, upload your site, and maintain your site. We do all the work - you just reap the rewards!
HTML Help! Bookmark this site! You'll be using it often. It includes al known usable commands, table help, HTML colors and more. All can be copied and pasted into your HTML code. A life saver.

How Are You Going To Promote Your Website?


Locate some sources to feature.
Here's an easy one. Go to Amazon.com and select a few books related to your site that your visitors may find helpful, and recommend them. The best part is everytime someone makes a purchase from Amazon.com through your site you get up to 15% of the purchase price! It's a very simple process. You'll need become an "Affiliate Member" by providing some information. It's free. You'll be given an identifier to track any purchases. Copy and paste this identifier into your page editor (html code). Now search Amazon.com for some books you like and "copy the image location"(usually a browser command or menu option)and paste this into your page editor as well. If you set up the link properly (a href="...) it will connect with that particular book's page at Amazon.com!

See below on this page, We've set up four book links in this way.

If no one knows where you are you won't make any money. These sources are also helpful.
They provide promotional assistance and increase traffic for webmasters like you.

Increase Your Web Site Traffic
What the successful few are doing- Marketing tips, strategies, and secrets for internet marketing, online advertisingand website promotion that will skyrocket your small, medium or home based business profits through the roof.
FREE 400 URL Registration Service -No Fast Talk Here. It's the most cost efficient URL Registration service. It's FREE!
Webmasters choose the Wackiman choice and register your URL's to 400 of the top search engines and sources on the Internet..
A Necessary tool for site owners:
SiteOwner.com is a must-have tool for siteowners. Free URL submission to the major search engines, meta tag builders, site checker.
GetHits Website Promotion
This site was created to provide you with tested and proven methods to gain exposure (and more traffic) to your website.
Increase Your Web Site Traffic
What the successful few are doing - Marketing tips, strategies, and secrets for internet marketing, online advertisingand website promotion that will skyrocket your small, medium or home based business profits through the roof.

Your source for the best of the net-FREE!

How Are You Going To Earn Money With Your Website?


If you're brokering information as mentioned above, then the easiest thing you can do is set up paid links on your site. You'll have to make an agreement with several advertisers to promote their sites or products on your site. You can get paid by the "click" or earn a percentage of the sale. (like Amazon.com)

This process is easier to arrange than you might think.

Surf to Clicktrade.com and become a member. There you can search many categories for advertisers willing to let you link to them and willing to pay you for it! Find advertisers that relate to your site or have something of value to offer your readers. Clicktrade.com makes requesting a paid link a snap. Just follow the instructions. You can even go back ad check the activity o your site later and see how much you're earning.

Below are several money-making opportunities for your site. These sources are highly recommened as a place to start. You'll be earning money in a few minutes!

ClickThru Network
-A great place to start earning money with your site! As a member (FREE!) you get guaranteed clickthrus
which earn you credits that can be converted to cash plus and increase in activity one your site!
An excellent program especially for first-time webmasters!
The Safe and Easy Way to Make Money on the Web...
YES...you can make money on the net, it just takes a little time and effort.
My FREE site lists all the items I use to make money and
they are free for you to use. All these places pay on time also!!!!!
Unlimited Hits! Unlimited Impressions! This is not a banner exchange.
You won't be penalized for your lack of traffic. This program gets you more traffic!
Wholesale Affiliate Program
Affiliates not only earn "per click", you can also earn (from your referrals) up to 30%commission
on every item sold. An extra 10% bonus on orders of $100 or more.
Plus you're eligible for an additional $100 bonus if
you're chosen "Affiliate of the Month!
Virtual Reseller Program
Do you love the web? Are you creative, innovative, ready to take your Internet knowledge
one step further and make a lot of money FAST!? Great! We want you on our team.
There are no fees, no dues, no schedules, all you have to do is sign up.
Get Rich Affiliate Program
Earn $10 on every order, and get the check right away (no minimums)! We set up a co-branded site for you,
promoting the book 'Get Rich on the Internet' - the definitive guide for people who actually want to be successful on the web.
All Free Stuff!
All totally free: Catalogs, Coupons, Games, Contests, Magazines, software, puzzles, sweepstakes & much more! Most offers are available to U.S. residents only.
Sweepstakes & Contests for Prizes!
Visitors to your site can enter these sweepstakes & contests free of charge & play online games
to win vacations, cash, & other great prizes, and you get paid!
Some offers available to residents of the U.S. & Canada only.

Take a quick look at the books below. They’re great sources of information
as well as motivators for business people like you!

Great internet business resources.Click to review.

More Free Resources:
Create a site/Promote a site/Earn money!

Now, after all that hard work don’t you deserve a vacation?
I know, I know, just “click” here—you might win trip!

....Guaranteed visitors to your web site!

More Helpful Links for Home-Businesses:

Need A Site?/Get A Site/Promote A Site-FREE!
A Necessary tool for site owners: SiteOwner.com
FREE 400 URL Registration Service!
MACADDICT-Gotta Have It!
ValueBanners-Serious about earning money?
Need a Job?-HeadHunter.net



Email: morgan@pdq.net