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Jeffery Enterprises


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Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1 John 4:7

This site is a work in progress and I'm not very good at building elaborate sites. If you click the links to the left they will navigate you around this site and always look for the link on a page to take you back here to the "MAIN SITE". Let's see how it prevails over time."

Ok now don't forget I know alot of people so if you need a service like autombile repair,computer repair,home remodeling such as floors or painting, plumbling, air conditioning, big projects or small or maybe even a lawyer or you are in the market for buying a car. Well, you should call me because I may know someone who can help you save a few dollars or give you a good piece of mind. You have to be careful who you do business with these days.. Also don't forget to check the bulletin page so you can be in tune with upcomming events.