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January 14, 2000

Kathy's Korner

As you can tell, this site is not near being finished. I'm on Winter Break, with lots of time on my hands, so Please check back in a couple of days to see what we've added.

HOWDY! My name is Kathy (if ya haven't already figured that out), and I'm from Texas. This is my own little corner of the world, so I hope you enjoy it and visit often. I'm still trying to figure out how all this "home page thing" works, so when you visit again there may be a few changes. I welcome all comments and suggestions.

Here are a few tidbits about myself so you may better understand my site and it's links...I'm 28 yrs-old. I have identical twin boys who are 6 yrs-old, and in First grade. I have been married to my best friend and husband, Tim, for eleven years. I was an Army wife for seven of those years. We've lived in many places, but I have to say that my year in Panama was the most intresting. It is a beautiful country.

About My Links...

I am now in college studying for my Associates Degree in Nursing, so there are a few "medical" links here. BUT, don't let this fool ya! Virtual Medical Center & Questions About Meds can be used by anyone. They can be used to find information on illnesses & disease, plus Meds can be used for Rx, Over The Counter, and Homeiopathic drugs. The Domestic Violence link is in Memory of Dana Kirk 1/19/69 - 4/30/96 , my sister, who didn't make it out of her abusive relationship. Check out the "Clothesline Project" at this link. Everything else I'm sure you can figure out. I encourage you to visit Weird Nursing Tales . It is a great site for anyone with a sense of humor.

My Favorite Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Speedtrap List - Is Your Town On Here?
Great Site For Downloading
Domestic Violence Links
Questions About Meds? Try Here.
Weird Nursing Tales
Virtual Medical Center
A Must For Nursing Students!
Human Microscopic Anatomy
The Facts About The NCLEX
My College Campus
For Those Who Love Cats & Becoming A Midwife

Some ABC's of Happiness

    Believe in yourself.
    Forgive honest mistakes.
    Joyfully live each day.
    Kindly help others.
    Praise performance well done.
    Smile often.
    Understand yourself.
    Value life.
    Work for the common good.
    Yearn to improve.
    Zestfully pursue happiness.
    B all U can B!

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