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About a Night Owl

You have found the 'Night Owl Nest' of Paul Anderson, The Night Owl of Mensa

Also know as: - A "Texas Word-Slinger" with a 'Hide-out' in the Silicon Hills of Central Texas

This Page is an Attempt to be a Light of Hope in a Pleasant Yellowish-Gray Shadow of Time

Special Note: Since I am UNABLE to display my picture at this website
and display the Candle of Hope too,
I am hopiong MY picture displays

I am Now a Full Member of the I.S.P.E.

In February of 1999, I was invited and I did join the I.S.P.E. (International Society for Philosophical Enquiry). On April 3, 2004, my status level with I.S.P.E. was Advanced to the Rank of full MEMBER. There is a link on this page to the Web Page for the Society. Click on it and from it, you can visit the personal web pages of other members.

One of My current claims to fame is being the 'Publicity Chair' for the Lonestar Group of Mensa. That is a volunteer job that is enjoyable and self rewarding.

"Thinkers International" is another affiliation, moderated by Bill Brown of Ohio. He refers to each publication as a "Digest" even though he seldom "edits down" or contracts the submission by a member. Recently, some of the care-takers or gate-keepers, have been trimming down submissions. Although not a charter member, I did accept an invitation to join the group in July of 1997. The Digest had been started in February of that year. The loosely knit organization has sometimes more and sometimes less than 150 participants in over ten of the United States and approx. 50 countries world-wide. We do not claim to be "Politically Correct" even though we essentially adhere to proper decorum. Any slander, libel or defamation of any person's character is not tolerated. Although comprised by mostly members of Mensa, most participants do belong to both groups. If you like what you read there, or maybe you would like to express your opinion about an issue, YOU may join and participate too! Membership in Mensa is Not Required for Thinkers International. Jump on in!

Unfortunately, because of extensive computer problems late in 2003 and into 2004, my participation in many of the groups I've been active with are now in temporary abeyance. These include Thinkers International and some others.

An activity that is more serious is that of being an Original Member of the First LEANDER CITY CHARTER COMMISSION. We completed a Charter for the city of Leander on April 23, 1998. We had been working on this document since August of 1996. The Charter was completed and presented to the Leander City Council at their regular meeting on May 7, 1998. The Vote, by the voting residents of Leander, was on the 8th of August of 1998. Thirty days before this election, the city sent a copy of the complete charter to each registered voter in Leander. At that election, the voters DID "Accept" the charter. A vote to "Accept" did make Leander a "HOME RULE" city.

With this Charter, the City of Leander began HOME Rule!

The highlights of this are enumerated on my other web page. You may link to it below and read the main points while you are there!

My background includes 11 years in the Insurance field including Life, Health and Annuities sector and as a Local Recording Agent for Property and Casualty Risks.

I spent two years doing Time Study work in the Industrial Engineering Department of Armour & Co.

For five years, I was a Communications Consultant for General Dynamics/Electronics Corporation in its Stromberg-Carlson Division. There, I designed and marketed Automatic Switch Telephone Systems with Sound Reinforcement, Intercom, MATV and CCTV. In the early days of these innovations, before they were widely accepted and put into massive use, I often felt like a Pioneer.

Another eleven years of my life was as Manager of Marketing for a manufacturer of Electronic Power Control Systems. After that company had come under the acquisition of the Esquire Group, I was assigned the position of Regional Manager of the Western United States for our Division (Product Line) of our company.

Nearly two years of my time was spent in the Electrical Engineering Department of a prestigious Architectural/Engineering Design Firm. I was the Communications Designer and because of my background in the design of Theatrical and Video Lighting Systems, those disciplines were also included in my agenda of activities.

Still later, another two years was spent as the South Texas representative for a Lighting Agency which was a manufacturers representative. The intent was to focus on designing and specifying Theatrical Lighting systems and selling the final product.

During these times, I was a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and for awhile was an officer including being President of the local chapter. I was also briefly associated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) but not very active.

Aviation and Flying oriented clubs I have been a member of is too numerous to list. Most, other than the AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) are now extinct. The same is true of most of the photography clubs of which I was a member.

I joined Toastmasters International and that membership was a pleasant experience. However, a surprise was in store when I enrolled in the Dale Carnegie Course. I found that the philosophical approach to public speaking of these two organizations was just nearly exactly opposite. The learning of both approaches to holding the attention of an audience was effective.

I taught flying part time for about eight years in the seventies and touching into the eighties. My first student was at Aviation Training Centers (the Fixed Base Operator at what was then Tims Airpark.) I quickly found an opportunity farther North, at the then Georgetown Flying Service ( the "FBO" at Georgetown Municipal ) and then back to Aviation Training Centers. I additionally had some individual students at the Austin Municipal (Robert Mueller) Airport. The students at Austin Municipal were people who owned their own aircraft. I kept my own flying machine at Austin Muni mainly because of the better Instrument approaches available. Both Tims Airpark and Austin Muni are footnotes in aviation History now.

Some Former and Current avocation activities include:

Some of my former activities included photography (still and video.) I still carry a 35mm still camera with me and sometimes I even snap a picture, but I'm not as attentive to it (engrossed/consumed by it) as I once was Of course, a recent addition to my Camera assortment, are a couple of digital devices. I am not currently active in any video work.

Although I no longer "Hike-Out" during a reach or "beat-to-the-windward" in a sailboat, I do still swim rather regularly. Well, I did until the Health Club where I did my thing, decided to dedicate the "Lap" Pool to "Walkers" during the afternoon time period.

If you wish to add to suggestions for my Home page, or anything else, TYPE ME A NOTE AND ELABORATE. Mail your thoughts to me at the E-Mail address shown HERE!

I promise to read what you have to say. If you suggest good ideas, I may want use them.

I look forward to being linked from other pages especially from other members of the groups I have mentioned and linked from my page. I may eventually attach a "Guest Sign-in" register. If you wish, you may "hyper-link" over to my other web page.

- If you are A Friend -


Tangible Tools & Trademarks of My Profession

  • A Smooth Word Processor Since I'm a Texas Word-Slinger
  • An Unlimited Communications Access
  • Absolute Correct Time Source (Coodinated Universal Time)
  • A Fully Functioning and Creative Mindset
  • A Responsive and Flexible Perspective
  • My Symbol: A Waypoint (Four Point) Star

MENSA, I.S.P.E., Thinkers International Members and other friends with more to be considered as well as other categories

Web Page of - American Mensa -
I'm Also a Member of the I.S.P.E. - Check it out too!
Visit My Other Homestead And Sign The Guest Book/Register And Offer Your Comments (Suggestions!)
I'm Minister of Night Owls and Wayward Chicks on this Island of Humor
Angelfire - Web Page Repair Station
Lonestar Mensa with HeadQuarters in the Silicone Hills of Central Texas