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SQL Server Resources

Link Description
SQL Server Home SQL Server Home. White papers, case studies, and current news. Evaluation guide, feature guide, etc. Download SQL Server evaluation software (120 day license). Self defined as "The most comprehensive system's administrators site in the world." Includes links to the SQL Server Section of the Database Journal
Kalen Delaney's
Inside SQL Server
Excellent resource from the coauthor of Inside SQL Server 2000. Here you can find SQL questions and answers, brief reviews of other SQL books, and a link to SQL Magazine.
SQL 2000
Admin Exam
Microsoft's exam objective matrix for SQL Server 2000 exam #70-228.
Exam Objectives
Simplified Admin exam objectives.
Data Warehousing for Cavemen " ... intended to make you buzzword-compliant with the MIS world. In terms simple enough even for an MIT computer science Ph.D."
Nice overview of current trends in data storage. Produced by Philip Greenspun, a computer scientist from MIT. Check it out!
Cram Session Well known certification orientated site. Includes summary of major features, feedback from certification exams, and a nice links page.