New Braunfels Fire Fighters Association Today
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New Braunfels Fire Fighters Association Today

March 15, 2000

*Congratulations to the new board of directors!! The election results were as follows President.................Darren Brinkkoeter Vice President............John Robinson Secretary.................Mike Wehman Treasurer.................Arlon Hansmann

*Any departments interested in securing membership with the IAFF/TSAFF, contact President Darren Brinkkoeter. The more of us there, the better we can communicate and effect issuses on a local basis.

*Check the calendar for infor on the fishing and golf tourneys.

*There is currently legislation before the House and Senate that would require cities to engage in a collective bargaining agreement. Please contact Rick Edwards for information on contacting your Senator or Representative for support of these bills. More information will be placed in your boxes.

*The results from the survey for the new board od directors is as follows: Civil Service............14 yes..5 no..5 no opinion Collective Bargaining....14 yes..5 no..5 no opinion Annual Promotional Test..21 yes..2 no..1 no opinion Buying Athletic Equipt....9 yes..15 no Re-write SOPs and GOs....21 yes...3 no

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