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Nailed Promise is a heavy, abrasive, aggro-rock band from Ft. Worth, Texas. Their sound would be at home with such bands as Stavsacre, Helmet, Glisten, Puller, and Snapcase. Heavy Grooves and "stop on a dime" precision are integral parts of Nailed Promise's music. The line-up consists of Travis Brown on guitar, Nathan Garcia doing lead vocals, and guitar, and Matthew Miller on Drums. (Ryan Brown, the bass player, has chosen, by the leading of the hand of God, to leave the band in order to pursue his call as a preacher of the gospel of Christ.)
Some highlights of Nailed Promise have been playing in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Anaheim, Ca, and Fort Worth, Tx for the Kenneth Copeland Believers' Conventions, opening for such bands as Payable on Death, No Innocent Victim, Puller, Silage, Spoken, Squad Five-0, as well as 1997 Cornerstone Festival and the 1997 TomFestival. Nailed Promise Discography includes the professionally recorded 1995 release "Life Through Death" that sold out locally. And the most recent four song demo, that includes "Jabberwocky" which is only being released handmade in limited numbers. In April of 1997, Nailed Promise signed with Rescue Records. (P.O.D, Dogwood, N.I.V, Dirt, Mindrage), and will be releasing a full length album in February of 1998. All of these things are fine and good, but what Nailed Promise is really all about is showing people that are turned off to religion that Christianity is not a dry waste of time, but a relationship, a give and take with Almighty God. That is our purpose and reason for existing, as a band and individually.