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my too kewl page

About me

Hi peeps it's Johanna again. It has been a while since I have been here. But I wanted to update a little bit. I am back to living my life again instead of being on my 'puter all the time. My life has changed drastically in the last year. I am working now and plan to go back to school since I finally got my GED. WHOO HOO!! I passed it the first time I took it without too much studying. I love life now. I have lost a lot of weight working out and eating healthy so if anyone saw me now from the pics I had posted 2 years ago you wouldn't recognize me. I am going to post a couple of new ones so peeps can see how much I have changed. BTW I have lost 50 pounds now. WHOO HOO!! And I feel great! Things are going great for me. I hope all my family and friends are doing just as good. It is a new year and the start of new things. I will say good bye for now but not for too long. I will try to keep everyone posted on how things are going for me from time to time. Good luck to everyone this year I hope all your New Year's Resolutions are met this year. Have a good one. Oh and don't forget to sign my guest book so I know you been here. TTFN!!

Well peeps that was 3 years ago since my last real update. Things again has really changed for me. I got a divorce. Walked away from the only life I had known for 12 years. It was a very hard thing to do but I did it. It was a good decision on my part. I am having trouble with the anxiety and the agoraphobia again. Lots of stress and depression going on here. I added a webpage so anyone who wants to learn more about it can. Just click the link below to read more. But I know things will get better again. I let my hair grow back out. I will post some more recent pics soon. All and all my looks hadn't changed. Oh I am in college now. I am going to a Bible College. My major is Theology and Ministries. I am a different person than what I was when I was married. Anyways, that is all to update about now. Check out the new links I have added. And remember it is all for fun.

Pics of Me

My Babies

My Poems Page
Shop With Me

My Webrings

My Thoughts On My Dad And Life

Living With Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Agoraphobia


I would like to thank everyone for visiting my page. I really appreciate it. I love sharing my poems with all of you, so please take a quick look at them. I will be updating my pages often so check back every once in a while to see what is new. And please don't forget to sign my guestbook so that i know you have been here. Thanx a bunch. And *hugz* to all my friends here on the net.

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This page was last updated on Thursday, December 02, 2004.