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The Brown Family Home Page

Our Favorite Links

Pictures of the older Kids
Resume Page
Cool company
Mikey's Page
Sara's Favorite
Mike and Murphy's Favorite
Amy's Favorite- A Great Bookstore!
Jake's Favorite- Go Packers!!!!
Sara's Page
Murphy's Page New, updated 7/24!!!!
Emma's Page New, just like her!
More pics, some of our house.
My friend Debbie's page. We have been friends for 20 years. I am so old!

We are the Brown family and this is our web page. We have family and friends scattered all over the country, and we find that this is a great way to stay in touch. Murphy is the oldest of the four kids, and she is in 3rd grade at Springhill Elementary this year. Mike is in 1st grade, also at Springhill Elementary. Sara is in pre-school, at Capitol Gymanstics and is definitely the most athletically talented of us all. The newest member of our family is Emma. Emma joined us on September 14th, 2000. We finally have pics of her up!!! Here are some pics of the rest of the family.

There are some pictures of Sara on her page!

Email Jake

Or email Amy .