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My daddy passed away March 11, 2006. Rest in peace, Daddy. I miss you so much.

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This is my angelfire PHOTO ALBUM and you can also see my most current musings on my profile at myspace where I have a blog (besides my main blog on yahoo. In fact, here is my Yahoo avatar--

Yahoo! Avatars

I live in Texaswhere I'm from originally. I am moving to NYC, back to my City very soon but no matter what, my family is everything!

me with my longtime friend Derrick from my Nacogdoches days!

my NYC life 1998-2002

NYC packs a lot into little space! I LOVED my 1st NYC job at Salomon Smith Barney in Mergers & Acquisitions at WORLD TRADE #7, the 3rd bldg. to collapse on 9/11. May the victims of the tragedy rest in peace. Luckily no one I knew perished. My 2nd "real job" was at Scholastic where I had an evil boss, Teresa Mlawer, una bruja, una senora fea sin corazon! Then, my 3rd NYC job was at a heartless corporate travel company creativity or originality was discouraged. I'm glad to be out of that repressive job where my late hours were unappreciated and uncompensated...except with Mrs. Paul whom we fittingly called "ms. fish stick" and "bitchy barbie". What a vicious, cruel bitch Lee Anne Bradbrook is! May she rot in hell and/or get the karma she deserves. On a MUCH better note: Steve Kiebach, my writing partner, thanks for your encouragement and great times dining on Vietnamese delicacies at Saigon Grill! (Watch out for those cucumbers!) The 1 thing no one warned me about--a good night's sleep is impossible in this city! I realize tons has been written about the Big Apple, literally & poetically, but a phrase I recently came across really sums up my view--SO REAL, IT'S SURREAL. And how come everything tastes so great at Dean & DeLuca? That place is a culinary mecca! Bow with a spatula in hand as you enter, HAHA. When in the City, make sure to go on a walking tour. Then when you gotta go, "go" here--a list of NYC'S FINEST RESTROOMS!

my Milwaukee life (1991-1999)

My main professional job was in Corporate Appraisal at what was then called Firstar but soon became US Bank. I then got my Bachelor's degree at the University of WI-Milwaukee. Milwaukee also brought me a broken heart--because of an intense, amazing, enthralling Sicilian named Nick B. who rocked my world! He's an amazing artist and he drew this for me in 1997:. I remember how he made me dinner & took me to see Macbeth and we were consumed with passion on Lake Michigan and he took my breath away under the full moon. I miss him, but he married the girl he knocked up so what was I to do but move on? he's still in my dreams though from time to time!

me circa 1998

My misc. ramblings

FYI--the best organic snacks & sauces on earth are waiting for you! Click here to pull and stretch a face. Hey, it works! 'Real' Models Can Really Emme. WHAT A GREAT STEP for REAL WOMEN...our culture is sick, too obsessed with THIN. Here is Emme's webpage.

My favorite women performers in no specific order:

Maggie and Rachael Lampa

Nicolas Ray West1970-1993

Nick es mi angel~~mi primer amor