How to setup your computer for Mp3's
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How to setup your computer for Mp3's

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THIS TEXT WILL HELP YOU SET UP YOUR SYSTEM FOR PLAYING WAVS AS WELL AS PLAYING, RECORDING, ENCODING , AND DECODING .MP3 SOUND FILES. "mp3 is an improved type of sound file that is much higher quality and takes up less hard drive space than a wave. Example: A 3:26 wave at 11khz, 16 bit stereo is 8865KB. A 3:26 mp3 at 11khz, 32 bit stereo is 804KB." NOTE:: ALL REGISTRATION CODES ARE CASE SENSITIVE PREPARATION: 1. INSTALL MIRC V5.11- THE FOLLOWING IS A SETUP FOR WAVS: A: Click on FILE..then OPTIONS..then SOUNDS 1. Place a check In: Accept sound requests Ignore if sound is currently playing Warn if sound doesn't exist 2. Uncheck both !nick file boxes 3. Location of wavs..Click on the "?" and find your wav directory and put it there. B: Click on FILE...OPTIONS...PERFORM 1. Check On Connect perform these commands...and enter the following commands (These will increase your send speed) /fsend on /pdcc 2146999999 CLICK "OK" TO SAVE ALL THE ABOVE C: Click on DCC...OPTIONS 1. Check Auto-get and minimize, auto-accept and minimize, close window send and get 2. Change all timeouts to 9999 3. Check Auto -Resume existing files 4. Click on DCC Get directories then ADD...then In Save file with this extension enter *.wav Then Into this directory..put the same directory that your wavs are in..(Same directory you put in Options Sounds) Click OK to save 5. then do the same with .mp3 Click OK to save D: DCC Send Setup 1. While on the channel, highlight your own nick. Then right click your mouse, then DCC send. A window will pop up listing send options. Set PACKET SIZE for 4096 and check all three boxes underneath. You must send a file to hold the new settings, so just send a file to yourself. G: ALIAS Setup The following makes the sending and receiving of wavs much easier. 1. Click Tools, Alias.. Or the 7th Icon over (green with /a) 2. Cut and Paste (or type) the following below anything else that might already be in you aliases window (spacing in this line must be exact) /s /sound # $1.wav < $1.wav > *2 3. Click OK. WHILE ON THE CHANNEL: To play a sound (you must have sound in order to play it) type the following on the command line--- /s SOUND any wavfile you want." replace "sound" with the name of the wav (no need to use .wav at end) Example: If I type: /s cool Then it would play the file cool.wav To get a sound from someone in the channel, type !nickname filename.wav Replace nickname with nick of person who just played the file and filename with the name of the file just played. If the other person has their mIRC setup right you will automatically be sent that file! Thats it! Now go play some wavs! 2. INSTALL WAVGET V1.3- YOU CAN GET IT AT: The readme.txt file that comes with the program is easy to understand and you can also get plenty of help on the sound channels. ***SUGGSTION*** I HAVE ALL MY WAV AND MP3 SOUND FILES IN ONE DIRECTORY CALLED "SOUNDS" ON MY C DRIVE SO MY PATH IS ALWAYS C:\SOUNDS I use the catalog feature of wavget to sort my music. I have also found that this solves a problem some have when wavget reports "FILE NOT FOUND" and you know damn well it's there. Doing it this way makes it easier for wavget and Winplay3 to find my files. 3. THE FOLLOWING IS A SETUP FOR WINPLAY3: Install the wp32v23b.exe file into a folder called Winplay3. Do not use the directory that the setup program suggests. Then just follow the on screen prompts for the rest. The new Winplay stays nicely on your tool bar at the bottom of your screen and does not pop-up when someone plays a Mp3 sound. Winplay is all ready!! 4. The following is a setup for wavget to use with Winplay3 for Mp3 playing: Open your wavget and on the setup screen on the left side you will see the + sign---Click there, and set up wavget to recognize Mp3 files by clicking "ADD" and type in Mp3. Next -- Type in your winplay3 path -- Example: C:\winplay3\winplay3.exe Check The box that says -- Play File Types using /ctcp sound then click on mIRC to configure. Click OK to finish Make sure the Following 3 Command lines are in your ctcps.ini file after everything is configured -- They should show your paths..if not correct them. NOTE: The following 3 command lines should appear in your file exactly as they appear here!!! ctcp 1:C:\winplay3\winplay.exe:/dde wavget32 form1 text1 ! $+ $nick $parm2 ctcp 1:mp3:/dde wavget32 form1 text1 ! $+ $nick $parm2 ctcp 1:smsg:/write C:\mirc\wavget.log :smsg $parm2* Note that the above commands assume that your Winplay3 and Wavget are on your C drive and also assumes that Wavget is in your mIRC directory (CHANGE THESE IF NECESSARY) Wavget will now automaticly open the Winplay to play your .Mp3 sound files--wavget will autosend and autoget them as well. IF YOU JUST WANT TO GET AND SEND FILES THEN YOU CAN STOP HERE!! 5. TO MAKE YOUR OWN MP3 SOUND FILES YOU WILL NEED TO SET UP AN ENCODER. I USE 2 ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS: THE ENCODE/DECODE PROGRAM AND THE MP3 STUDIO. BELOW ARE THE SETUPS: A. MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE FINISHED THE FIRST PART OF THIS TEXT AND SET UP MIRC, WINPLAY AND WAVGET. B. GET AND UNZIP THE ENCODE/DECODE PROGRAM L3ENC VERSION 2.61 I HAVE THE PROGAM ZIPPED AS l3v261dl.ZIP, JUST MAKE A NEW FOLDER AND UNZIP THIS INTO IT. YOU CAN CALL THE FOLDER "ENC" OR ANY NAME YOU WISH. ONCE THE PROGRAM IS UNZIPPED INTO THIS FOLDER THERE IS NO REASON TO EVER OPEN THIS FOLDER AGAIN. IT IS CONTROLLED BY DOS COMMANDS RUN BY MPS STUDIO FOR ENCODING AND MANUALLY AT THE DOS PROMPT FOR DECODING. THE FIRST TIME YOU USE THIS PROGRAM IT WILL ASK FOR A REGISTRATION CODE. THE CODE IS : 909GCB0A091E-9 (THE "0" IS A ZERO NOT A LETTER) C. THE MP3 STUDIO CANNOT BE SET UP UNTIL YOU HAVE INSTALLED THE WINPLAY AND THE L3ENC PROGRAM AS IT ASKS YOU WHERE THE LOCATIONS OF THE .EXE FOR THESE 2 PROGRAMS ARE LOCATED. I HAVE THE MPSTUD093.ZIP THAT I CAN SEND TO YOU. UNZIP THIS INTO A TEMPORARY FOLDER. YOU WILL SEE THE INSTALL.EXE IN THIS FOLDER. DOUBLE CLICK ON IT AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. IT WILL ASK YOU TO FIND YOUR WINPLAY.EXE, YOUR L3ENC.EXE AND YOUR MIXER. IT WILL HELP YOU FIND THEM WITH SOME HINTS. YOU CAN JUST PRESS THE INSTALL BUTTON AND COMPLETE THIS STEP LATER USING THE CONFIG BUTTON ON THE MAIN SCREEN OF THE PROGRAM AS DESCRIED BELOW. (MY MIXER CAME WITH MY SOUNDBLASTER AUDIO CARD AND IS IN MY VIBRA16 FOLDER, IT IS CALLED CTMIXER.EXE AND IS ALSO PART OF CREATIVE SOUND STUDIO. YOU WILL HAVE TO BROWSE TO FIND YOUR MIXER OR ASK A FRIEND WHO HAS THE SAME PROGRAM AS YOU DO WHERE THE MIXER IS) DO NOT FILL IN THE DIRECT AUDIO RIPPER LINE UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOUR CD PLAYER SUPPORTS RIPPING--MINE DOESN'T AND NOT TOO MANY SUPPORT RIPPING AT THIS TIME. ONCE THE SETUP IS FINISHED, OPEN THE MP3 STUDIO. YOU WILL SEE A CONFIG BUTTON AT THE TOP RIGHT OF THE SCREEN. OPEN IT AND DO THE FOLLOWING: a) ON THE ENCODE FLAGS LINE, CHANGE ( -hq ) to read ( -br 32000 ) make sure you leave a space between -br and 32000 tHIS WILL ENCODE YOUR WAVS TO 32 BIT b) LEAVE THE DA RIPPER AND DA COMMAND LINES BLANK UNLESS YOUR CD ROM SUPPORTS RIPPING (RIPPING IS THE RECORDING AND ENCODING TO MP3 DIRECT FROM THE CD PLAYER). MOST CD ROM DRIVES DO NOT SUPPORT RIPPING. c) YOU CAN CHANGE THE ORIGINAL LOCATIONS OF YOUR WINPLAY.EXE, L3ENC.EXE AND MIXER HERE AT ANY TIME YOUR SET UP IS NOW COMPLETE. IT WASNT THAT HARD:)) ALL MP3 PROGRAMS CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM: *********************************************************************** 6. ENCODING(RECORDING) USING MP3STUDIO OR MP3PRO A. RECORD A SONG FROM YOUR CD PLAYER USING ANY OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDING PROGRAMS LIKE CREATIVE WAVE STUDIO, GOLDWAVE ETC RECORD AT THE BEST RECORDING LEVEL AVAILABLE; USUALLY 16 BIT STEREO 44100HZ B. THIS WILL GIVE YOU A WAV FILE THAT WILL BE HUGE- ANYWHERE FROM 20 TO 100 MEG SO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOME ROOM TO WORK. NOW CHOOSE ONE OF THE ENCODE PROGRAMS BELOW: FOR MP3STUDIO:::::::::: C. ONCE THE .WAV FILE HAS BEEN CREATED, OPEN YOUR MP3 STUDIO AND ON THE TOP SECTION BROWSE TO WHERE THE .WAV IS. (YOU CAN TEST IT HERE BY HITTING THE PLAY BUTTON IF YOU WISH). HIGHLIGHT THE .WAV FILE AND PRESS THE ENCODE BUTTON. THE ENCODE DOS WINDOW WILL OPEN AND AUTOMATICALLY ENCODE THE WAV INTO A MP3 FILE THAT WILL BE MUCH SMALLER THAN THE ORIGINAL WAV. IT TAKES A WHILE TO ENCODE SO BE PATIENT- (YOU CAN DO THIS WHILE PLAYING IN MIRC, THE PROGRAMS DO NOT CONFLICT) ***REMEMBER THAT THE FIRST TIME YOU ENCODE OR DECODE YOU WILL NEED TO ENTER THE REGISTRATION CODE*** D. THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE SCREEN WILL SHOW YOU WHERE YOU ARE SENDING THE NEW MP3 FILE. I SEND MINE RIGHT TO MY WAVGET SOUND FILES SO THEY ARE READY TO PLAY. E. ONCE YOU HAVE TESTED THE NEW MP3 FILE, GO BACK AND DELETE THAT BIG .WAV FILE AND RECLAIM YOUR COMPUTER SPACE. IF YOU HAVE A LOT OF SPACE AVAILABLE THE YOU CAN RECORD SEVERAL WAVS AND ENCODE THEM ALL AT ONE TIME. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR MP3PRO:::::::::::: YOU CAN FIND THIS AT INSTALL MP3PRO IN IT'S OWN DIRECTORY/FOLDER THEN TO ENCODE A WAV TO MP3 GO INTO OPTIONS...AND UNCHECK...WRITE RIFF/WAV FORMAT CLICK FILE...And Pull up the wav to be encoded THEN CLICK ON THE QUALITY YOU WANT Pick the Best Quality That Your Sound Card Can Handle Click On Superior for ISDN If that's too high...Click on Best Quality for 28.8 modems {NOTE} Try to keep your setting to 32 kbits THEN CLICK SET OUTPUT Set the output directory/folder where you want your m p3 to be saved. Click SAVE AFTER YOU GO BACK TO THE FIRST SCREEN..CLICK ON ENCODE.. --------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU CAN ALSO TAKE AN EXISTING WAV THAT HAS BEEN RECORDED AT 16 BIT OR MORE AND ENCODE RIGHT TO AN MP3. (MPSTUDIO WILL NOT ENCODE 8 BIT OR 4 BIT SOUND.) YOU WILL RETAIN YOUR QUALITY BUT IT IS NOT AS GOOD AS RECORDING FRESH FROM YOUR CD. *********************************************************************** 7. DECODING YOU MUST USE THE MP3STUDIO SETUP TO DO THIS. DECODING IS A LITTLE MORE INVOLVED. DECODING CAN BE USED ON ANY MP3. YOU WILL FIND HUGE MP3'S ON THE NET AND ON SOME CHANNELS ON IRC. I HAVE SEEN THEM AS LARGE AS 20 MEG. Most Of The MP3'S PLAYED ON DALNET have already been compressed so there is no need to decode these. TO DECODE A MP3 FILE BACK INTO A WAV FILE: A) OPEN A DOS WINDOW BY GOING TO START MENU THEN PROGRAMS AND SELECTING MS DOS PROMPT B) TYPE CD\ENC ( IF THAT IS WHERE YOU PUT YOUR DECODER. IT IS IN THE DIRECTORY WITH YOUR L3ENC.EXE-- CHANGE ENC TO BE THE NAME OF YOUR DIRECTORY) THEN HIT ENTER- YOU SHOULD NOW BE IN THE ENC DIRECTORY C) NOW TYPE: L3DEC FILENAME.MP3 FILEMNAME -WAV WATCH YOUR SPACING!! FILENAME IS THE NAME OF YOUR MP3 SOUND FILE, FOR EXAMPLE; IF I WANT TO DECODE SEDUCEME.MP3 I WOULD TYPE: L3DEC SEDUCEME.MP3 SEDUCEME -WAV THEN HIT ENTER AND THE DECODER WILL TURN THE MP3 INTO A FILE. PLEASE NOTE THAT I DIDNT SAY IT WOULD MAKE IT A WAV FILE. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS YOURSELF BY GOING INTO YOUR WINDOWS EXPLORER AND ADDING THE .WAV EXTENSION TO THE FILE. IN THE EXAMPLE ABOVE I DECODED THE SEDUCEME.MP3 NOW I GO TO WINDOWS EXPLORER AND I FIND A FILE CALLED SEDUCEME I RENAME IT TO SEDUCEME.WAV YOU NOW HAVE A WAV FILE AND CAN DELETE THE ORIGINAL MP3 THAT YOU DECODED. THEN YOU CAN ENCODE THE NEW WAV FILE THAT YOU JUST MADE BACK TO AN MP3 FILE using mp3studio or mp3pro above, WHICH WILL COMPRESS IT TO A SMALLER MP3 FILE THAN ITS ORIGINAL. Put file automatically (where you want your mp3 to be saved), which will show up in the 'Output' text field. If the suggested name and location does not suit your needs, you can optionally push the 'Set Output' button to override it and make your changes. Then click on save. Then you have to decide on the output parameters, which have an important impact on audio quality and filesize. You can do this by choosing an entry from the bitrate popup menu(its in the center of the screen on the right side), which has been filled with appropriate settings according to the selected input file. Pick the Best Quality That Your Sound Card Can Handle Normal is 32 bit stereo. I use 64 bit for better sound but the file size is a little larger. After you made your decisions on output storage location and parameters you can initiate the conversion by hitting the 'Encode'-button. The duration of the encoding process depends on the input file size and varies with the speed of your computer. Thats It!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU CAN ALSO TAKE AN EXISTING WAV THAT HAS BEEN RECORDED AT 16 BIT OR MORE AND ENCODE RIGHT TO AN MP3. (MPSTUDIO WILL NOT ENCODE 8 BIT OR 4 BIT SOUND.) YOU WILL RETAIN YOUR QUALITY BUT IT IS NOT AS GOOD AS RECORDING FRESH FROM YOUR CD. *********************************************************************** "View And Sign Our Guestbook" View And Sign Our Guestbook
