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Welcome to my Animorph Files. I hope you like the new look.Just a reminder, this page is updtaed daily so please come back.

Brad's Animorph Files

"We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone. Because if they find us . . . well, we just won't let them find us.

"The thing you should know is that everyone is in big trouble. Yeah. Even you. . . . "

This page contains:

My Hork , it finally came finally came
The (KTS) Ani-Club I'm in
The News
The Ani-Bios
The Books
Who is the real Tobias?
What is a Hork-Bajir Seer
Book 24 Preview
The Site of The Month
Animorphs on T.V.
The Diclaimer
K.A. Applegate Bio
My Music
Download Yeerk Pool game

Click the Hork for a Sneak peak at the Hork Chronicles.
Heres a sample chapter for the Hork-Bajir Chronicles

Click below to visit Official Animorphs Home Page


The Calender
It will be a 1999 Calender, and every month their is a new morph, drawn by The Animorph cover artist.

The Toys and Stuff
The following Buissnesses have been approved by Scholastic and K.A. that they can make stuff: Hasbro Master toy, AME Boxer shorts, American Needle Inc. Baseball caps, Antioch Publishing Stationery, Berkshire Fashions, Inc. Hosiery, knit accessories, Giant Merchandising T-shirts, GT Interactive CD-ROMs, computer games, Hallmark Greeting cards, party goods, Holiday Fair Backpacks, book bags, wallets, Jay Franco & Sons, Inc. Beach towels, Milton-Bradley Board games, Plymouth, Inc. School supplies, Springs Industries, Inc. Bedding, and SRM Electronic toys.

That big thingy is a Dome Ship. The little one I think is an Andalite Fighter.

The Animorphs

Sorry, No David.

The Site of The Month

The Site of The Month is: Ani-Girl's Site

Second Place goes to: The Andalite Mainframe

Former Sites of the Month: Dolphin & Dolfin's Animorph Files The Animorphiles Animorphs

*Note:I recomend you go to the "Site of the Month", the second place winner, and the former "Site of the Month" sites for great ani-info.*

Animorphs on T.V.

T.V. Animorphs
Click on the picture of Rachel to go to the Ani-T.V. Show Home Page.

The T.V. Show Cast:

Jake - Shawn Ashmore
Rachel - Brooke Nevan
Tobias - Christopher Ralph
Cassie - Nadia Nascimento
Marco - Boris Cadrera
Ax - Paulo Constanzo

Executive Producer - Deborah Forte
Producer - Bill Siegler
Director - Ron Oliver
Script Writer - Neal Shusterman
Camera Trainee - Mark McClean

Song 2 by Blur
Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground
Closing Time by SemiSonic
Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth
Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
Bitter Sweet Symphony by Verve
Heros by the Wallflowers

Thanx to Anichinchllia, I now have music.But, it may take a bit for it to load.

You are the person/andalite/hork-bajir/animorph/yeerk/gedd/taxxon/or whatever you are to visit my ani-page.

Jake says Sign my Guest Book or he will turn into the infamous lizard and do something to you!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook


I am in no way related to Scholastic Books, or K.A. Applegate. I am merely a kid who loves The Animorphs and would like to share "The Secret".


If you or someone you know has information that is not posted here, please e-mail it to me.

***Special Thanx***

AniChinchilla's Ani-Page

The Site of the Month

And all the other Animorph Web Sites
