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by Michelle Ruelas

Michaelfest 2000 was one of the nicest fests ever. MJOIFC’s 12th annual Michaelfest was held in Anaheim, California at the West Coast Anaheim Hotel on August 13, 2000. The convention room was beautifully decorated with Michael posters, red and black balloons, well laden merchandise tables flanking the walls, a year 2000 large birthday cake on display, and tables for festgoers set up for a catered luncheon served during the fest giving the room an intimate feeling. The seven hour party celebrating our great admiration and love for Michael during his birthday month was filled with laughter and joy and some emotional tears.One of the highlights of Michaelfest this year was a contest for two lucky people to be chosen by a committee at the fest to join the MJOIFC staff and winners of the Neverland Valley Ranch essay contest on a trip the next day to the Ranch. Contestants had to give a short speech on why they wanted to go to Neverland. It was extremely difficult for the committee to choose two winners after listening to all the wonderful speeches. The speeches brought laughter and tears to the audience and were extremely moving.We wanted everyone to win. The two winners were Rhonda(Kaya)Gibson and Stephanie Jo Fieger.Other activities at Michaelfest included a birthday gift exchange between fest goers who had brought Michael merchandise items to trade, playing games for prizes, singing happy birthday to Michael, listening to Michael’s music and watching his films,and some exuberant dancing by some fest goers. To raise money for The Heal the World foundation there were raffles and live auctions of signed posters and T-shirts that Michael had graciously donated. This year’s Michaelfest was definitely one of the best ever. The lovely memories will be with us for a long time to come.


by Michelle Ruelas

Neverland Valley Ranch contest winners and MJOIFC staff enjoyed a most joyous and wonderful day at Michael’s Ranch on Monday August 14, 2000. From 11AM to 6PM we were graciously entertained by Michael’s excellent and friendly Ranch staff who made our time at the Ranch at great experience. It was an absolutely unforgettable day, a day filled with enchantment and deep happiness for those in the group. We were able to visit and feed some of Michael’s well cared for animals. Under umbrella shaded tables we were treated to a bountiful luncheon served outside. We rode a little train around the property viewing the magnificent grounds. We delighted in the music that was everywhere. It filled the air and brought a sense of peace with it and lightness to our steps. We were treated to eight Michael Jackson films in his absolutely gorgeous air-conditioned theater after being offered all the popcorn, candy, ice-cream and other refreshments we wanted. We thought we had seen these films before. Yes, those in the group had seen Scream, Beat It, Billie Jean, Remember the Time, Keep The Faith, Smooth Criminal, The HIStory trailer, and Ghosts before. But never like this! Sitting in the theater’s plush seats, seeing the films on the big screen with the best sound system ever, we all felt we’d never experienced them before. It was so amazing. We could experience so much more detail and even more of their brilliance than we’d ever experienced before. This experience made you even more appreciate Michael’s artistry and genius. We were also given a tour inside Michael’s fabulously lovely home. We played in the delightful arcade and rode on “The Katherine” a charming steam train named in honor of Michael’s mother. The group also was able to enjoy the rides in the amusement park. We were all smiles there, young and old playing together. During our visit Michael was kind enough to come out and greet us. He told us to have a wonderful day, to have fun and that he loved us. We waved and thanked him and told him we loved him too. Then on our drive out Michael and Prince and Paris stood together and waved goodbye to us. Thank you again Michael for letting us come visit your lovely home. The memories will be forever etched on our hearts.

MICHAELFEST 1999 by Michelle Ruelas

Why do I love Michaelfest? It’s like entering a magical time and space outside the everyday world. Each year I enter a special realm of renewed and newly found friendships, unbridled laughter, joy, and just plain pure bliss. This special time at Michaelfest is especially cherished as all the responsibilities of daily life can be put aside for awhile to kick up our heels and revel with like hearts. All our worrys and cares disappear as we all join together to celebrate our admiration of Mr. Michael Jackson and what his art and life brings us. It is also a special time to raise money for Heal The World with wonderful autograghed items donated by Michael.What was Michaelfest 99 like? It was held on July 3rd in Anaheim at the beautiful West Coast Anaheim hotel a short distance from Disneyland. The Michaelfest room was decorated in red, white and blue with festive independence day touches. Official MJOIFC merchandise along with a variety of other Michael merchandise goodies were for sale during the fest. Fruit, crackers, cheese and punch along with the traditional fest cake with a picture of Michael frosted on it were served to festgoers. Each person who attended the fest received a special goodie bag filled with Michael items. Contests, raffles, games and a gift exchange all added to the fest excitement. Especially enjoyed was the dance contest where several contestants strutted their wonderful dance skills. Many of the children were outfitted in their favorite Michael outfit and several asked to sing their favorite Michael songs to entertain the crowd. Some of the videos shown during the fest were Captain EO, Ghosts and the making of Ghosts with the highlight being the footage of Michael performing in Munich at the recent Michael and Friends concert. The footage was so popular that the crowd asked to see the footage a second time which was of course shown. The fest was attended by fans from all over America plus a good number of Canadian fans were present along with some from England and Belgium. Another wonderful moment at the fest was when a letter especially written by Michael for those attending Michaelfest was read expressing his regret that he couldn’t be with us this year but sending us his love. The time at Michaelfest isn’t just the time the event in the convention room is held. The days before and after Michaelfest are also a special time Michael fans spend time together. Going to meals together, shopping together, site seeing and spending time in each others hotel rooms laughing, sharing stories and talking half the night together. This year many Michaelfest goers toured the Hollywood Walk of Fame together, went to Disneyland on the 4th of July, and went to visit the beautiful towns of Solvang and Los Olivos near Neverland. Michaelfest is truly a great reunion of old friends and a place where new friends are made. You can’t ever forget the smiling faces, laughter, sharing and great fun these fest are filled with. I can’t wait for next years Michalefest!

Michaelfest 1998 - By Sunny Inge

It is noon, August 29, 1998. The natives-Michael fans-are getting restless. The tenth anniversary of Michaelfest is delayed as we all stand in the narrow hallway. Lori's brother, Craig, keeps us all from being complete nervous wrecks by videotaping and having us all sing "Happy Birthday" to Michael. We are finally let in at a quarter to one. Each person first enters a little "photo studio" where a picture is taken with E'CASANOVA, Michael Jackson impersonator extraordinaire. After a quick handshake with E'CASANOVA, you glance at the doorway, above it a silver banner announces "Forty and Fabulous" and pass through the red and silver tinsel fringe that serves as a door. Upon entering, you are almost stunned by the huge convention room walls covered entirely with Michael Jackson posters and banners. Official fan club merchandise is being sold at a long table next to the door. Other long tables are placed against the walls, selling items such as earrings, Michael's Pets (not the real ones), magazines, books, posters, key chains...well, you get the idea. In one corner Adrian Grant is quietly signing his books and chatting. We shop and visit for an hour, then seat ourselves at large round tables in the center of the room. At the middle, a balloon bouquet sits, waiting to be claimed by a winner. Richard O'Dell speaks to us about Heal The World and introduces Lori. As we nibble from a cheese and fruit snack tray and sip punch, we watch Michael videos--from J5 days to present--on a large projection screen. E'CASANOVA also shows a short film on the shows he does. We all exchange our birthday gifts, but it's also Michelle Ruelas' birthday, so Lori lets her select anything she likes on the fan club table. Michelle chooses a large photo album/scrapbook. After this, we all line up to get a slice of birthday cake. The two cakes are placed on a table, under a red, black and white balloon arch. At first no one wanted to cut into them because they both have Michael's picture on them. Eventually they are cut, working around Michael's face. It looks like delicate brain surgery is being performed as the cutters picked frosting off the portrait. As you are handed a piece of cake with a specially printed napkin, you are also given a goodie bag. Every one of the goodie bags is different but all get a magazine and some game sheets to play for prizes. After settling down to our tables to eat, "Ghosts" is shown. For those who had never seen it, their jaws dropped to the floor. This particular "Ghosts" was subtitled in Japanese, but the dialogue is in English. After "Ghosts" we see "The Making of..." only its subtitles are in French. Again dialogue is in American English so we understood it fine. We are laughing as Michael is talking dressed as the Mayor. Michael, you look like my high school American History teacher. Now that’s scary! Of course, we all see the actual History Quilt designed by Deborah Dannelly. Michael himself signed it barely two days earlier. It's so big, two men have to stand tiptoe on chairs as Reva Thomas and I pull the quilt slack to the floor so everyone can try to get a picture of the entire quilt. It is beautiful. After raffling and auctioning of several autographed items, the fest itself is over. Time for dinner. I am seated with Adrian Grant to my right, Michelle Ruelas to my left. E'CASANOVA has come to join us for dinner and sign the photos taken earlier. So he's seated with his assistant Tony at a table behind me. After quietly admiring Adrian's impeccable British table manners, I sense a hard roll flying past my right ear. I look directly at Adrian, who acts as if nothing has happened. Judging from the half-smile on his face, I know he threw the roll over his shoulder. After the "tossing of the roll", there's a dull thump behind me so I look at E'CASANOVA, who's laughing. The roll, now being picked off the floor by Tony, hit the wall, next to E'CASANOVA'S face. Obviously this whole scenario was not mean spirited, but I don't know what was going on. Maybe E'CASANOVA was complaining that he didn't get a roll so Adrian "delivered" one. Just a silly moment, but one I won't soon forget.

MICHAELFEST '97 -by Sunny Inge

Four of us made the trip together to Denver, Colorado from the west coast for Michaelfest 1997 as representatives of Michael's Angels of Light Support Group, a group of over 100 fans who inspire each other to follow Michael's example of humanitarian efforts and help "Heal the World." We had a table of items donated by the Angel members and other fans to raise money for Heal the World.That boring convention room was quickly transformed into Michael Jackson Headquartes U.S.A.! Red and silver tinsel fringe hung from the doorways ala "Blood On The Dance Floor". Red, Black, white and silver ballons were everywhere and two giant musical notes fashioned out of red and black ballons were placed over a small dance floor. Each round table featured a centerpiece of red, black and white ballons. Inside each bouquet was a Heal The World T-shirt that one lucky person at each table won. At the buffet tables were fresh fruits, cheese, crackers and punch served in champagne glasses. There was also a huge birthday cake for Michael and a huge birthday card that everyone signed.Everyone who came to the Michaelfest was given an MJOIFC tote bag filled with goodies: a fan club pencil, trading cards, an MJ pin or earrings, a Nations of Magic magazine, a pom-pom favor, a "Blood On The Dance Floor" CD single, a magnet, etc.After the fest ended around 7pm, about thirty of us walked to a Mexican restaurant. We must have been quite a sight-a large group of people walking the streets of downtown Denver wearing Michael shirts and pins. Several people gave us the thumbs up sign. After dinner we took a bus some of the way back and many sang "Heal The World".Our return trip to the west coast was fairly uneventful except for one moment at a Chinese restaurant...I got a fortune cookie that read, "A thrilling time is in your immediate future!" This is Angel Sunny signing off. Peace, love and joy.


My adventure started when I was joyfully greeted at the airport in Bakersfield, CA. by my penfriend, San Harper on August 22. We spent the evening getting to know each other "better", as we had only corresponded by letter and a couple of phone calls over the last year. On Friday we drove the two hours from Bakersfield to the Inn at the Park Hotel in Anaheim. That night we were able to meet many of the MJ fans who had flown or driven from all different parts of the U.S. to the Fest. We had a great time talking and sharing until well after midnight.Early on Saturday morning we drove to Hollywood Boulevard to see Michael's star on the walk of Fame. We took pictures, went to the Michael exhibit at the Guinness World of Records, Hollywood Wax Museum (the figures don't do Michael justice but we were pleased to see them just the same) and "Michael" shopping on the boulevard. We found calendars, posters, clocks, gorgeous original artwork of Michael, address books, and leather jackets and vests with Michael's image painted on them. We then returned to Anaheim for the Fest. As we were getting out of the car we saw a Michael impersonator in the parking lot. We took pictures as 'Michael' waved, flashing a peace sign. We entered the Palm Room, which was nicely decorated in red and black balloons and streamers. Along the sides were tables with rare and unique Michael items for sale at low prices. I was able to get my daughter, Emma, a Thriller jacket and T-shirt showing Michael as the claymation rabbit in Moonwalker, along with several other great things. There was also a table of raffle items to benefit Heal The World.We were entertained by three MJ impersonators, signed a large card for Michael, and were all videotaped singing Happy Birthday together on-stage. We shared a lovely birthday cake with punch, cheese, crackers and fruit. Everyone was in high spirits, laughing singing and talking together at several tables around the room. I loved meeting so many wonderful people.

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