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Created by Carolyn Agardy

The Hale House Report :

In December 1997 I embarked on an adventure I was soon to learn was as exciting as it was educational. Having never been further east than South Dakota and living in Oregon, a trip to New York was quite awe-inspiring for me.

I'm the Vice-President of a group called " Michael's Angels of Light". Organized solely with the intent of raising funds for causes that Michael has supported, Children and the environment being the agenda. Donating to Heal The World Foundation has always been the order of the day.

Angel Reva Thomas had already begun the Toy Drive Campaign in 1996 and it being successful had decided to have it ongoing on an annual basis. Deciding that Hale House would be the beneficiary of the 1997 campaign, she set to work, along with Angel Deborah Dannelly, contacting the appropiate people and setting up a date and time for our presentation. We give a shout out to Deborah. We Love You!

Every detail had been seen to by the time of my arrival. My flight from Portland, Oregon to LaGuardia, was a bit harrowing. Chicago where I was to make a connecting flight to NYC, had some severe weather, so we sat on the runway in Portland, for 1 1/2 hours before we were cleared for takeoff. The flight was smooth and uneventful, however, when arriving in Chicago, we had another wait on the runway as we had no assigned location for disembarking. By this time, it was beyond an hour of missing my scheduled connection to NYC.

Finally, arriving in NYC, I then had to find transportation to my hotel where Reva Thomas was meeting me. Arriving at the hotel, 4 hours late, I found Reva waiting and then began a whirlwind of getting everything together for presentation in 2 days.

I arrived in NYC on Wednesday, December 10 at 9:30PM, our presentation to Hale House was scheduled for Friday, December 12 at 10:00 AM! Reva had been receiving toys, clothing, etc. as well as checks and cash donations, for several months. We had to find something in which to carry our gifts to Hale House, and to transfer cash and checks into a money order. Needless to say, Thursday was a very busy day! On top of which, Reva had a college course to attend! Like I said, it was a whirlwind of running here, doing this, running there, doing that... but amazingly, it all fell together. We got everything accomplished! Bought, a huge box of disposable diapers, baby wipes, and a gigantic bag (large enough to hold a medium size car) and a money order. By Thursday night we were all set. Exhausted, but so excited!

Friday morning dawned a dismal, rainy day! It didn't match our spirits, though. We were exhilerated! Angel Erika Saunders joined us and we hired a cab and off the three of us toward Harlem and Hale House! We arrived at the appointed time and we are greeted by a gentleman who graciously directs us to a room where a large oval table dominates. Our first impression of Hale House is one of warmth and love radiating from it. Picture of children adorn the walls. Beautiful wooden moldings, and furniture, that rich patina of age. Very comfortable and cozy.

We are introduced to Mr. Sandro Tejada who will be giving us a tour of the facilities as well as an overview of Hale House. We were so amazed! We learned so much more about these two miraculous women who began Hale House: Mother Clara Hale and her daughter Dr. Lorraine Hale. Hale House was founded in 1969. They have 22 babies in residence currently. The children come to them from police precincts, prison hospitals, welfare agencies, clergy, social workers and sometimes their own mothers. They run on private donations and volunteer services. They get absolutely no federal, state, or city government assistance. They believe in holistic healing. The children are fed a nutritious diet, they have a pediatrician that has a practice locally, but can be found more often than not right there at Hale House...... we were fortunate to meet him. They have chiropractor, massage therapist, and a physical therapist on staff.

Filmmaker, Spike Lee, donated the funds to design and build a playground in a fenced area behind the building. It has small elevated walkways, slides, tunnels, see-saws, and fallproof flooring. Everything is brightly colored.

The directors of Hale House work with children and parent to return the child home. They have many programs to achieve this purpose: Time Out for Moms, Homeward Bound, Respite providing support for those mom's that are showing signs of recovery and wanting to provide their children with a safe home in which to live.

Mr. Tejada, kindly took us on a tour. We saw the kitchen and dining room, where the midday meal was being prepared. Everything childsize - to mirrors hanging on the wall about knee level to an adult!

The environment was so warm and hospitable. We took many pictures, and this is a moment in my life that I will always cherish!

After our meeting with Hale House, we went to see the Apollo Theater. Just walking in and seeing where Michael performed and where learned so much from other performers ... we were in awe! Then back to Manhattan to Fifth Avenue and sight seeing directed skillfully by Reva Thomas! At the top of my list of must- sees was the Four Seasons Hotel where Michael often stays in NYC. Lo and behold, who do we see directly in front of us, boarding the elevator, none other than Wayne Nagin himself! The minute Reva spots Wayne, she rips off her Michael insignia pin lapel pin from her coat. She didn't want the hotel thinking we were following Michael. Little did we know at the time, Michael was upstairs having dinner with Sean "Puffy" Combs (Puff Daddy).

Reva Thomas is a saint! She worked so hard to make this project ours come off smoothly. She's really wonderful and I'm so blessed to have that special time with her. We are truly sisters!

I certainly, hope we made Michael proud! We represented Michael in the best possible light. Ambassadors of the Angels of Light! He was there with us in spirit! We love him so much especially for what he does for humanity. We pick up the torch with pride!

We donated $400 to Heal The World in September from sales at the Michaelfest in Denver, CO. Toys, clothing, and $225 in monetary donation to Hale House in December. That car size bag was one quarter full! Not bad considering its size!

If you'd like more information on Hale House, or make a contribution, their address is :

152 West 122nd Street
New York, NY 10027
(212) 663-0700

Sarah Williams
Vice President
Michael's Angels of Light

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