~Mega Man Fan Fiction~

This page is under heavy construction, and should not have been viewed by young children. Too late now, though...

Recent Updates (As of February 1st!): I added a few new chapters this week. Have a lookie: chapers 3 and 4 of After the End, chapter 5 of The Past Returns, part 4 of Nightfall, and the first two chapters of Cocoran's Story, by Aria. As far as I know, she hasn't written any more of this fic, but when I get anything new I'll be sure to post it. ;)

Welcome to the Fan Fic' page! I am and will always be in the process of collecting fan fics.

If you would like your Fan Fiction posted on my page, please send it to me (in HTML or .TXT format puleeze!), and I'll look it over. Thanks. Enjoy the fics' I have! I promise, more will come soon.

Best Friends
by Auroran Flash~The Maverick Huntress

Chapter 1: Meet the Family!
Chapter 2: The OTHER Family
Chapter 3: A Reploid Called X
Chapter 4: Capture
Chapter 5: Puppy Kisses and A Terrible Shock
Chapter 6: Dance of the Bit**
Chapter 7: The Crimson Creation
Chapter 8: Death Lock
Chapter 9: Bat Wings
Chapter 10: The Danger of Egg McMuffins
Chapter 11: The Big Sleep!
Chapter 12: A Hop, Skip, And A Jump To The Future
Chapter 13: The Classroom Incident
Chapter 14: Desert Ambush
Chapter 15: Three Cheers For Insanity!
Chapter 16: Family Ties
Chapter 17: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 18: Dreams Can Come True!
Chapt er 19: Over the River and Through the Woods, To Grandmother's House We Go
Chapt er 20: A Golden Memory
Chapt er 21: Battle Royale at Skull Castle

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End Of The Line
by Auroran Flash~The Maverick Huntress

Chapter 1: Apocalypse
Chapter 2: The End Of The World As We Know It

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Ground Zero
by Auroran Flash~The Maverick Huntress

The Intro
Chapter 1: "But I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
Chapter 2: "Ground Zero Has Got The 'Boom' Anime Rep's That Make Me Think The Wrong Thing"
Chapter 3: Eruption of Mt. Zero
Chapter 4: Zero and Tetsuro's Disappearing Trick
Chapter 5: Onward, To MHHQ!
Chapter 6: Alek's Joyous Return Home
Chapter 7: A New Hunter?

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Dragon Ball Z Meets Mega Man X:  Peace Is Not Lost!
by Auroran Flash~The Maverick Huntress

Part 1: Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo Drop In For A Visit
Part 2: High and Mighty Prince Vegeta, Saiyajin Warrior Extraordinaire
Part 3: The Great Piccolo
Part 4: And The House Comes Crashing Down
Part 5: Zenith
Part 6: Phone Home

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by Auroran Flash~The Maverick Huntress

//Part One//
//Part Two//
//Part Three//
//Part Four//

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Mega Man X: Everybody Needs Some Help Sometime
by Sheri-Squeakers

Chapter One: And The Walls Came A-Tumbling Down
Chapter Two: There's No Place Called Home
Chapter Three: Bump In The Night
Chapter Four: Lions And Tigers And..Who? Oh My!
Chapter Five: The Reploid Who Cried OWCH!
Chapter Six: Zero's MET His Match!
Chapter Seven: Bad Boy, Bad Boy! Whatcha Gonna Do? Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?
Chapter Eight: Memories.....
Chapter Nine: In The Shadows, The Mighty Shadows
Chapter Ten: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight?
Chapter Twelve: Twits of A Feather Flock Together
Chapter Thirteen: Geepers Creepers! You've Got Glowing Peepers!
Chapter Fourteen: Visiting The Past
Chapter Fifteen: The House That Kip Built
Chapter Sixteen: Doggy Kisses and Star Trekking

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The Zero Chronicles
by Bryan DeWitt

Part 1: Realizations
Part 2: Recruited
Part 3: Heart of Stone
Part 4: Destiny
Part 5: Ambush
Part 6: Escape
Part 7: Rescue
Part 8: The Ultimate Sacrifice: A Distant Cry
Part 9: A Savior Reborn

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Zero Legacy
by Zero Torval

The Intro
Chapter 1, Upgrades and Refits
Chapter 2, Zero's Accident
Chapter 3, Wounded Warrior
Chapter 4, Mavericks and Reploids
Chapter 5, Brothers
Chapter 6, Torn Apart

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Zero Tolerance
by Red Draco The Maverick Huntress

The Introduction
Part 1-And Now, The Mavericks Who Need No Introduction
Part 2-The "X" Files
Part 3-Platinum
Part 4-The Gryphon
Part 5-The Incredible Flight of Jimmy and Jules
Part 6-Phoenix and Senior el Stupido
Part 7-A Crimson Disaster
Part 8-Dominating Species
Par t 9-Zero's Return...
Part 10-May The Force [Field] Be With You
Part 11-Hellfire
Part 12-A Raptor Called Babykins
Part 13-Fiddler...uh, I mean, Raptor on the Roof
Part 14-Ode to Vile
Part 15-The Plight of the Azure Hunter, Cornholio, and the Lizard Queen
Part 16-The Sleeping Reploid
Part 17-A Gator's Gratitude

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Bass Is Not A Fish
by Red Draco The Maverick Huntress

Chapter One - Interview with a Vampire
Chapter Two - Of Humans and Robots
Chapter Three - A Secret Fear of Furry Mammals
Chapter Four - A Bargain with the Black Demon
Chapter Five - Crimson Birth
Chapter Six - Jurassic Park is Frightening in the Dark
Chapter Seven - 101 Dino - mations
Chapter Eight - Sweet Intoxications
Chapter Nine - Death and Directions
Chapter Ten - Potatoes, Cellphones and Bro bots.
Chapter Eleven - Catching Some Z's
Chapter Twelve - Day of the Dracos
Chapter Thirteen - Reptiles Abound
Chapter Fourteen - Working 9 'till 5
Chapter Fifteen - X, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
Chapter Sixteen - So Much For Hakuna Matata
Chapter Seventeen - Gettin' Outta South Park, Gonna Leave My Woes Behind?
Chapter Eighteen - 'Mother hen' Draco
Chapter Nineteen - Seasons of Love?
Chapter Twenty - Dragonslayer
Chapter Twenty One - Wings Scorched, Horns Chipped, Tail Cropped, Majesty Stripped
Chapter Twenty Two - Mindspeak
Chapter Twenty Three - The Ol' Turnabout
Chapter Twenty Four - You! Out of the Gene Pool!
Chapter Twenty Five - "Shoot The Damn Bunny!"
Chapter Twenty Six - The Pace Sickens
Chapter Twenty Seven - You Want a Confrontation?
Chapter Twenty Eight - Hey Ho, Let's Go!
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Inheritors of Eden

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The Future Is Coming
by Joyce Cheuk

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

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< BR>

Dark Trials
by Rubius


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The Past Returns
by Greg Trombley

Chapter 1: Redemption
Chapter 2: Survivors
Chapter 3: The End Of The Beginning
Chapter 4: The Unnatural Disasters
Chapter 5: Friendly Faces

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The Other Side of Light
by Phaeton

Chapter 1: Newcomer
Chapter 2: A Startling Discovery

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A Phantasm's Venom
by Vile

The Good Ole' Intro
Chapter One: Darkness
Chapter Two: Verol
Chapter Three: Soul Purpose
Chapter Four-Phantom Of The Opera
Chapter Five-A Stroll errr....rampage....through the City
Chapter Six-Mr. Ed
Chapter Seven-Phantasm's Game

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Long Lost.....Everything
by LunaTiger

Long Lost.....Everything -- Part 1
Long Lost.....Everything -- Part 2

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by Aria

Chapter 1, Aria
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3, Demon Jazz and the Incredible Carnivorous Cauliflower
Chapter 4, Interlude at Skull Fortress
Chapter 5, Childhood's End
Chapter 6, Everything's Wrong
Chapter 7, First Try
Chapter 8, Bass's Plans
Chapter 9, Saved... Well, sort of...
Chapter 10, A Pretty Short Chapter
Chapter Eleven, Next Chapter
Chapter Twelve, Keep goin'...
Chapter Thirteen, First Date! Ohhh!!!
Chapter Fourteen, Juggling Act

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Tlck Kath Pa
by Aria

Tlck Kath Pa
Far, Far Away..
Enter Vile... or Vinny?

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After the End
by Aria

The Mission
Just a Small Mistake
Far Off Wanderer, Here Am I....

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Cocoran's Story
by Aria

Cocoran's Story
Time to go...

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The Conquest
by Megan Zamie

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

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by Navie Chance

Chapter One - Omen
Chapter Two - A Coming
Chapter Three - Don't Leave Me
Chapter Four - Strength
Chapter Five - This World
Chapter Six - An End

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by Wadocheese

Apocalypse! (Now Available: chapters 1 - 3)

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