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"It is as a Son that I have conceived this devotion for my Mother. It is as God that I impose it." (3)

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"Teach souls to love the Heart of My Mother pierced with sorrow that transfixed My Own Heart." (Dec. 25, 1909) (1)

"My desire flows from My love on Calvary. In giving John to My Mother as a son, I entrusted the whole world to her Sorrowful Motherhood." (1)

"The Heart of My Mother has the right to the title of Sorrowful, and I wish it placed before that of Immaculate, because she herself has acquired it. The Church rightly acknowledges that which I did for My Mother: Her Immaculate Conception. What I now claim for Her is that she be honored with a title of Justice -- a title she has deserved through Her close identification with all my sufferings, through Her immolation on Calvary, accepted and borne for the salvation of mankind. She was particularly great in that Co-Redemption, and therefore, I ask that the invocation I have expressed, be approved and spread throughout the Church like the one addressed to My Heart, and recited by all My priests after the holy sacrifice of [the] Mass. Already many graces have been obtained through it, and many more will be granted; it will be spread until the Church is exalted and the world renovated through Consecration to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother." (Sept. 8, 1911) (1)

"Let every soul cry out: Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us." (1914) (1)

"The hearts of men must be changed. This will only be realized through the devotion known, developed, preached and counseled everywhere. This is the last aid which God gives to the world before the end of time: Universal recourse to My Mother under the title I wish for her."  (July 2, 1940) (1)

If you have any publications or information regarding the life of Berthe Petit and the Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, please contact the webmaster.

Please report all favors obtained through the intercession of Berthe Petit to the webmaster. Include name,full mailing address, and telephone number where you can be reached. Please be advised that a notarized copy of your report is absolutely necessary should a Bishop decide to open the cause for Berthe Petit.

Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis De Montfort

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Secret of the Rosary is the storefront for Secret of the Rosary Publications, a distributor and publisher of various media that promote the fullness of the Faith and the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church.

Secret of the Rosary
4001 N. Oak Lane
Sulphur, La. 70665-8161

(1) From "The Art of Divine Love or Berthe Petit (Franciscan Tertiary, 1870-1943) " by Rev. I. Duffner, M.S.C. Adapted from the French by Rev.Louis M. Shouriah; Printed at Don Bosco Press, Tanjore; 1955.
(2) Berthe Petit photo from "Berthe Petit; Apotre du Coeur Douloureux et Immacule de Marie " by R.P. Colin, C.S.S.R.; Nouvelles Editions Latines, Paris France, 1967.
3) From "Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary", World Apostolate of Fatima; Washington, N.J.