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Welcome to our Grand Family

Welcome to our Grand Family


Los Trujillo's



settled in Hatch, New Mexico along with Papa Trujillo's sister and family. The Chile capital of the world. Photos. Grandpa Trujillo migrated from Mexico with his family. As a young man he worked the fields through out Colorado and valleys of New Mexico. Grandma Trujillo told a story to us all about Indians coming to visit their home when she was a child. The Indians came up a latter to a window where a pot of HOT oil was waiting for them. Some of the family may be found as far away as, California, Colorado, Albuquerque, and Las Cruces, NM. Some family members say the Trujillo name was given to our grandfather when he was adopted and the line of Trujillo began, this is where some say the name Arigon was dropped. WE ARE TRUJILLOS




Our very own GRANDPA AND GRANDMA Frances

were native to Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic is a small island and the First Spanish Settlement in the Western Hemisphere. Christopher Columbus discovered this island on December 5Th, 1492, and he called it Hispaniola. They  loved this island, which has a rich history.

Grandma Frances (Born 1913)and children had a hard life on the island but if you can only hear the tells told by these brothers and single sister. Our young grandma was 2 years old in this picture. Our Uncle was 3 years old.






And This young lady loved to cook out side. Grandma Trujillo says she knew nothing of Tennis Shoes. She only wore heals and loved to smile, especially if there was a camera near by.







Grandpa Isidoro Pena Cuello (white shirt on right) and his friend Emilio (Center-rear) pose in this photo below. This courtyard was the play ground, cooking area and conversation point for all her the neighbors. Grandma Trujillo tells a tell of grandpa and Emilio hiding in a drain located outside the photo show. (Location would be bottom left side) The hiding protected them both from prosecution from the Trujillo Uprising. You see, both Grandpa and Emilo were Trujillo (Dictator) sympathizers. They only did this so they could survive. Well when Trujillo was over thrown The militia went around the island looking for individuals that supported Trujillo and his cause. Both Grandpa and Emilio knew now that if they were to survive they must hide from the repeated home searches. Grandma tells us all that many young men were executed when they were found.







Don't Get us mixed up! Rafael Trujillo (No Relation)

Just remember that our name is Trujillo and we are no relation to Rafael Trujillo dictator of Dominican Republic. He painted a picture much like the Cuba's own Fidel Castro. We only share the name. Grandpa Frances worked for the Trujillo government until he was over thrown. From what we know he had to hide in septic tank for several weeks while the new government sought out Trujillo sympathizers. Other family members, as well as Grandma Frances helped him survive.


Our very own MAMA Trujillo

was born in Santo Domingo, in the country of Dominican Republic. She loved to sing as a child. Many including (Mama ) would say she was a child star. Mama was a very high maintenance child that spent a great part of her day in Catholic schools.  She would arrive early every morning and grandma Elizabel would  pick her up in the evenings. Mama Trujillo learned her dances and songs during these long hours at school. Mama Trujillo shares many stories of being a television star that would dance and sing for audiences on the island. If you were to ask her she would say she was the "Shirley Temple" of Dominican Republic. She recalls winning in a beauty contest " best smile" and was rewarded with  a jump rope and a toothbrush. She remained at this school until she was 7 years old. She enjoyed the company  of pets that included a pig, chicken and a little puppy named "Chulo." These friends were dearly loved and unbelievably trained. Unfortunately, her pig was poisoned and she arrived yet on another day to a "chicken dinner." Mama Trujillo could not withhold the tears of remembering her childhood on her paradise island.  She grew to be a  beautiful young lady that would soon catch the eye on ONE American soldier.  When civil unrest came to the island she found herself coming daily to the fence line that separated the soldiers from the civilians of Dominican Republic. On a blistering day, Mama Trujillo was asked by a neighbor if she could help her bring some uniforms to the fence for some soldiers. Mama Trujillo recalls that these uniforms were so firm, it was as if she was carrying card board  cut outs that would bend rather than fold on her delicate shoulder. She found herself volunteering to go with the neighbor when ever she could. These frequent trips caught a young American's eye who needed his shirts pressed and romance soon found them both. She was quickly embraced by all the G.I.s. and to this date tells us she had the biggest wedding on the island.  She married our papa at a young age and remained on the island. This time would too come to an end.  It came to pass that most of the Peace Keeping forces were being moved off the island. Consequently leaving Mama Trujillo and possibly other beautiful young ladies alone until they were reunited. Unfortunately, Mama Trujillo tells a story of needing to use a weapon to protect herself one night as an intruder confronted her out side her house and finally tried entered her house to confront an American soldiers new bride. A single shot to the air would help him change his mind. Shortly there after Mama Trujillo was reunited with her new love in North Carolina. After the first born she would move back to Dominican Republic because papa Trujillo was called to a new war in Vietnam.




Our very own PAPA Trujillo



Basic Training

was born in Spring Field, located in the great state of Colorado. Papa Trujillo, served as a paratrooper in the 101st and 82nd Airborne Ranger. In 1966, he was selected among others to serve in Interamerican Peace Keeping Force that was instrumental in the placement of Democracy in Dominican Republic. This is when he met our Mama. A career Military man, he is a veteran of the Vietnam War. He spent his last years in the military as a leadership instructor at a Military School. This allowed him the joy of shaping our countries young men in the value of pride and service.




All of us were born in North Carolina.

Growing up, we enjoyed life in New Mexico. Our family traveled and provided each of us with memorable experiences and a rich history. As young children, we enjoyed playing in the jungles of Colon, Panama. As very young children, we remember the blazing horns of the ships ferrying through the Panama Canal. As two young brothers, I remember playing in the jungle behind our home in Panama. We traveled throughout Central America. One wonderful childhood memory was made in Costa Rica. We will never forget the sights and sound of these luscious forest mountain peaks doted with inactive and active Volcanoes. We've had the opportunity to travel as a united family, as grown adults, and with our own young families. Holidays are special to each of us. Each Trujillo makes it special, whether together in one place or connected trough copper wire for several minutes.

There are 4 Trujillo children: 2 Boys and 2 Girls. The order is BOY, then GIRL, another BOY, and finally a GIRL. Each is happily married and resides in Guam,New Mexico, Texas, and Illinois .







Our Lit'le Bit'y Trujillo's

There are 9 grandchildren (Exciting news! 2 more will soon arrive Congrats to Kunschik-Trujillo and Trujillo-Diaz): 5 boys and 4 girls. The order is Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy, Boy,Boy,Boy,Girl, Girl.

The first granddaughter (Tellie) was born in San Antonio, Texas at Wilford Hall Medical Center.

The first grandson (Mathew) was born in Roswell, New Mexico at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center.

The second granddaughter (Casie) was born in Lubbock, Texas at Lubbock Methodist Hospital.

The second grandson (Lando) was also born in Roswell, New Mexico at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center

The third grandson (Issac) was born in Roswell, New Mexico at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center

The fourth grandson (Gabe) was born in San Antonio, Texas at Wilford Hall Medical Center

The last grandson (Nate) was born in Lubbock, Texas at Lubbock Methodist Hospital.

The third granddaughter (Danica) was born in Chicago, IL. at More about Chicago.

The two baby granddaughter additions are (Viviana) born in Dallas, TX. and (Lily) born in Guam, USA.


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