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The Hole

Well its just been school, and now its holiday and 1:20am and i figured my old page (the aptly named toilet) was crap.

So, being the holidays, i should create a new page of equal insignificance.

The Hole.

The first entry 16/5/00 1:30am, my opinions on working.

Wap is a funny guy. Here is a forward he sent me. What a champ.

Something Awful is even funnier than Waps page. (Sorry wap). Thanx to Gol for letting me know about it. Gol is a champ.

Gol's page and email

My tribute page. Here (I nicked the idea off Bondy, thanx Bondy.) (not finished yet)

My opinions on the progression of metal.

And don't forget my guestbook

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