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Course Requirements

Required Materials:
Davis, Paul, et al. Western Literature in a World Context. Volume 2. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Various handouts.

Course Description:

In this course we will be reading some of the most valued works in Western literature from the eighteenth century and up to the present. You will be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of these works, as well as an ability to think critically about them and their relationship to their historical and cultural contexts. Participation in class discussions of the selected texts is mandatory.

You will be asked to take two (2) exams consisting of identifications, multiple choice and short essay questions. Each exam will cover approximately half of the course material. The final exam will NOT be cumulative. There is no make-up for missed exams.

During the course of the semester, you will have a number of quizzes, which will consist of five questions over the day's reading assignment. Since the quiz is given during the first five minutes of class, it is imperative that you arrive on time. If you are late or absent on a day when we have a quiz, you will receive a zero for the missed quiz. Missed quizzes may NOT be made up and NONE of the grades will be dropped. It is your responsibility to keep up with your grades on these quizzes.

Journals: You will be required to keep a reading journal in which you record your responses, reactions, questions, etc. to what we read. Please remember that your journal is yours, so that you may include anything in it, as well as decorate it, if you wish (but please, absolutely no glitter). Keep in mind, however, that I will be reading these, so don't include anything you don't want me to read. Follow the guidelines below:

You must write at least one page for each day's assignment.
I will collect journals at random, so bring them to class daily and keep up!
You must keep your entries in a flat folder with brads. This folder must
be green or purple. (I know this seems picky, but I have my reasons.
At least I'm giving you some choice in the matter!)
I can't read what I can't write, so write legibly, or even type your entries.
You will be required to write a 7-10 page research paper dealing with a topic prompted by the literature we will be reading. We will discuss this at length later, so don't stress about it too much right now!

Participation: A small, yet significant portion of your grade will depend on your participation in class discussions, as well as my estimation of your progress in the course. Therefore, it is imprudent to miss class, be late on a consistent basis, sleep in class, carry on private conversations during lectures, etc.

Attendance Policy: I follow the university absence policy on the English Department General Information sheet that I gave you on the first day of class. Here's the short version: once you exceed four absences, you're history. In addition, if you are more than ten minutes late you will be counted absent, or if you come to class without a rough draft on the day that it is due you will be counted absent. If you must be absent, let me know by going through the proper channels. You will be responsible for all deadlines and for all of the assignments and announcements you missed.

Plagiarism and Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty:
"The term ‘plagiarism' includes, but is not limited to, the use by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials"(UNT's 1992-1993 Student Guidebook). If you turn in a piece of writing, all or part of which you have plagiarized, you will be dismissed with an "F" in the course. Further action within the context of university guidelines may be considered.

Open Door Policy:
You are welcomed and encouraged to visit me whenever you wish to discuss a paper of problem. If you cannot come during my office hours, please schedule an appointment with me. If you need to leave a message for me, you may call the main English office at 565-2050. The best and easiest way to contact me outside of school is through e-mail. I read my e-mail on a daily basis and will send you a prompt reply.

Grade Breakdown:
Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Paper 25%
Reading Journal 10%
Quizzes 10%
Participation 5%

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