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Lauryn Angel-Cann's Grading Policy

A(100-90) Superior Work:
Goes above and beyond the requirements of the assignment
Contains a significant and central idea that is clearly well-defined and well-supported
Contains fresh ideas and originality of perception
Sentences are forceful and varied
Establishes the writer's unique voice
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics are correct

B(89-80) Above Average:
Moves beyond the requirements of the assignment
Contains a significant and central idea that is clearly defined and well-supported with concrete and relevant details
Engages attention and interest at the beginning, progresses by ordered and necessary stages, and ends with a conclusion that supports the bulk of the essay without being repetitive
Paragraphs are coherent and unified; transitions are logical
Sentences are coherent and unified
Language is precise
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics are mostly correct

C(79-70) Average:
Addresses the requirements of the assignment
Topic and content are competently adapted to the assignment
Central idea is apparent but too general, too familiar, or too limited
Supporting details tend to be repetitious, irrelevant, or sketchy
Organization is recognizable but not fully developed
Transitions are clear but too abrupt, mechanical, or monotonous
Sentences are competent but tend to lack force and variation in structure
Language is appropriate to the paper's purpose
Deviations from standard grammar, punctuation, spelling, or mechanics damage the paper's clarity and effectiveness

D(69-60) Below Average:
Does not meet the requirements of the assignment
Ideas do not relate to the specific assignment, and there is little evidence of a preliminary draft
Central idea is missing, confused, superficial, or unsupported by concrete and relevant detail
Content is obvious, contradictory, or aimless
Organization is unclear
Transitions are missing, ineffective, or rudimentary
Sentences are incoherent, incomplete, fused, monotonous, or redundant
Language is inappropriate to the subject
Frequent mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

F(59-0) Unsatisfactory Work:
Writing that is difficult to read and understand
A paper that has been plagiarized will receive a zero

College Writing II- General Information
