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Mississippi Uptown's Page...

Welcome to my webpage...

Hey now...this is one of those pages that is just going to be under construction on and off. I have been through several severe and not so severe changes and I think this webpage still has some hope of representing me. I thought I'd dust off the ole file and spiff it up a bit. By the way, please sign my guestbook!! (If you've already signed it, I don't care, sign it again!!)

For the heads, I still have my own Dead and Phish pages/galleries. These used to be under constant construction, but what can I say? I'm lazy. There are also other music galleries in progress on my music page. (Janis, Lou, Neil, etc...)I hope I get around to spiffin these up to this go round, cause I like 'em.

I have also created my very own Tarot page. It's basically a lot of text, so unless you're interested in knowing about technical stuff, it's nuthin special.

If you feel like a good laugh, my friend Abby wrote an Ode to me!!(You can link to it in my list below.)

And, hey, if you wanna laugh a little more, check out these100 facts about me!I also have some pics of me! These are way old, but I haven't changed much. I also got work done on my tat, but I don't have pics yet. Maybe soon if you're lucky.

In any event, this is my page and it's under construction. Any comments, questions, or suggestions are welcome! You can E mail me by clicking on the mailbox or down below the counter...

Don't forget to check out the Webrings!!! Last Updated 07/15/00 (most of it anyway) Please Note: Some links are screwed up...I've done my best to make them all accessable, but have patience...

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right..."-GD

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Shag Some of These...

My Toon Page...focused on those retro toons everyone wants back!!!Links are broken here, so have patience....
Maybe this toon link will work... Register as a net hippie, see cool links like hemp education, fresh picked rainbows, and the highly recommended Old Hippie's Site...
Chinese Astrology Calenders...
An Ode to Me Written by a Good Friend o'Mine
All My Friend's Pages...(I don't have many friends with pages)
Check out the Webring(s) I'm in...

I've Always Wanted My Name On Someone's Home Page, So I Thought I'd Do Some Friends The Favor Of Honorable Mentions...
