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Hi y'all!I am so glad you dropped in. This is my attempt to put together my pages I have made for my love, my heart, my friends,to let ya's TRY and figure me out{good luck on that chore!} and maybe show off some of my "family pics". I hope you enjoy, learn a little about me maybe, and possibly learn more about yourself. Just click on links below and enjoy, if you'd like me to include your link, just let me know.

These WONDERS of God are my grandkids. Yes, I am a "Grannie".

This is my YOUNGEST son, Jeff, and his wife, Sara, and my oldest grandbaby, Katie Marie! Since this picture was taken there has been added a sister, Shyanne Bre and their younger brother Zachery Rhyan. Life has delt some blows to this family, to where I am not able to see these grandchildren but they are better where they are now until their parents actually grow-up.

{*AGE* is a limit of mans making...
I was made by GOD,
by His timetable,
I am but a *sparkle* in my Father's eye.}

I now know why grandparents are CALLED "grand", one learns so much from their kids that they know to let GO on their grandkids and ENJOY them more, as they wished they did with their own kids

This beauty is my "Tak0", she is totally spoiled;

but not by me! {õ¿~}

This man, Steve, was a very important lesson in my life's travels. If you would like to see more about Steve, just click on his picture.

I can most often be found on www.iplay.net; where I play cansta, LOTS, but I also help newbies find their way around. I am not that fantastic of a player, SKILL WISE smarties! :oÞ but I do like having fun and seeing others have fun too. I will try and make new pages and add others if you ask. I was told my OLD page was too much in past, Steve is in my past, but also in my heart. THAT won't change. LOVE ya'll my friends.
"Y'all come back now, ya'hear?"



Dear friends who ALSO followed their hearts

This is where I am MOST often playing canasta and pinochle mainly but a great place for MANY other games of board & card players delight
