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Answers to a couple of FAQs...

1) No, you may not copy the OTD or the English-OT dictionary onto your website, even if you leave it unchanged and give me credit for it. I do not want copies of the OTD floating around on the internet. I want only one, and I want it to stay right where it is. If I find a copy of the OTD on someone else's page, I *will* contact their administrator about it. I spent more hours than I want to remember getting this thing into its present state. It would have been many more hours, except for the generous help of a whole slew of people. I don't want that to go in vain just because someone wants a free copy to put up on their page. Please don't do it.

2) Yes, you may link to the OTD. Please do, in fact. I would be honored. I would appreciate it if you would drop me an email telling me you are doing so, and giving me the address to your page so I can see it. This is, however, optional.



This page and all other pages created by the author are ©1997, 1998, 1999 and protected by international copyright law. All rights reserved by the author.