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Jabba's Trading Barge

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  • Ahhh, welcome to the best trading barge in the Tatooine Desert. I am Blubba, brother of Jabba and manage this barge. Please send me your haves and wants list so I can make my Trading post!!!! I am not responsible for bad trades or traders. Watch out for what you trade and who you trade with. This page is always under construction. I have many good Star Wars CCG links at the bottom of my page. If you need your lists updated, give me your name and the new list. If you want me to put your page as a link on mine, just write me a letter with the title of your page, and the URL. Now enjoy your trading.
    Think Long and Hard About the Trades You Make
    NameE-Mail AddressHavesWants
    BlubbaBlubba_Dhutt@bigfoot.comIf anyone is willing to give me Warhammer pieces I would like that.
    Dandberryan@capital.netSize Matters Not, Yoda's Hut, Bog Clearing, Rouge 2, Death Star Tractor Beam, Dack Ralter, Planet Defender Ion Cannon, Affect MindRouge 1,3, Blizzard 1, Stalker, Tyrant, Death Star, Comm. Luke
    ChubbaArtJuju@aol.comVisit Xizor's Palace
    Chubba only sells cards so visit Xizor's Palace in my links
    Jonathenjonjack10@hotmail.comMillenium Falcon(BB/NM), Trample(x2 Mint), Kitik Keed'Kak, IT-O, R2-D2, C-3PO, Boring Conversation Anyway, Mournful Roar, Rouge 2, Target Main Generator(x2), Jedi PresenceAll BB/Mint Darth Vader, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Luke, Crand Moff Tarkin, Death Star, All Bounty Hunters
    Moriartymoriarty@netwest.comEvery Thing Not On Wants ListRug Hug, High Anxiety, This is Just Wrong, Tyrant, Stalker, Asteroids Do Not Concern Me, Captain Needa, Failure At The Cave, Lukes Backpack, Punishing One, LS:Space Slug, The Dark Path, The Professor, WHAAOOOW
    Herbertmachfive@worldnet.att.netLuke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Dice Ibegon, Sandcrawler, Beggar, Demotion, Kessel Run, Han's Heavy Blaster Pistol, Myo, Dr.EvazonDarth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Presence, Presence of the Force
    Scottmdsmith2@airmail.netLuke's Backpack, Han's Toolkit, I Want That Ship, Space Slug(DS), Zuckuss Snare Rifle, IG-88's Pulse Cannon, Jedi Levitation, Yoda's Hope, Proton BombsYodas Hut, Yodas Gimmer Stick, Rouge1&3, A Power Harpoon or Two, 2-1B, R-3PO, Yoda, Wedge, Chewbacca, Reds 2,3,5,6, Biggs, Skywalkers
    JCAcordJCAcord@aol.comAdmiral Motti, Assult Rifle, Asteroids Do Not Concern Me, Bowcaster, Charming to the Last x3, C.P.I, Death Star Plans, Death Star Tractor Beam, Disarmed(ds), I'm on the Leader, Rouge 32-1B, Anakins Lightsabre, Avenger, Blizzard 1, Broken Concentration, Comm. Luke, General Veers, Rug Hug, Stalker, Tyrant
    Johnjhutchis@3wave.comLeia Seeker, 2 Tzizvvt, Attack Run, Many other rebel cardsDeath Star, Capital Starships, Superlaser, C.P.I, Target Main Generaters, Darth Vader, Capital Starships Devices & Droids, Powerful Mains, Executar, make me a offer
    PatHornet8723@aol.comSon of Skywalker, Blizzard 1, Devastator, Conquest, DEjarik Holoboard, R2-D2, Leia, ISDx3Executar, Stalker, Blizzard 2, Han(wb), Ozzel, Commander Luke, Millenuim Falcon(wb), Luke Skywalker(wb)
    Kelceyppp008f@citynet.netSon of Skywalker, Executar, Most everything not on wants list.Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, Millenium Falcon, Chewbacca, R2-D2, Superlaser, Yoda, Vaders Lightsabre
    Jasonjacintoig_88@hotmail.comLeia Organa, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Yoda's Hut, Rouge 1, Epic DuelBossk, Zuccuss, Punishing One, Hounds Tooth, Millenium Falcon, Dengar
    Lightlordlightlord@usa.netAdmiral Motti,Dathcha,Han Seeker,Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(2), Ion Cannon, Light Repeating Blaster Rifle,Luke Seeker,Observation Holocam,Kiffex,Motti Seeker,Admiral Ozzel,AT-AT Cannon,Blizzard Scout 1,General Veers, Probe Droid Laser,Wampa,4-LOM's Concussion Rifle,Bossks Motor Gun,Dengar,Failure At the Cave,IG-88's Neutral Inhibitor,Mist Hunter,Boba Fett,Captain Bewil,Vaders Bounty,Rancor,Dengar's M.R.Gboth Hans,all Leias,Luke and Commander Luke,all Epic,Events,Millennium Falcon,all named lightsabres,all main weapons,Lando Calrissian,Arto,Darth Vader,Death Star,all named starships,Boba Fett(cloud city),Jabba the Hutt,Vaders Sabre
    Mikkomivila@utu.fiR2-D2,Death Star,Obi-Wans Lightsabre,Visage of the Emperor,Expanding the Empire,Rancor,4-LOM,Mantelian Sarvip,Garindan,Kessel Run,Death Star Plans,Brainiac,Captain Needa,Tatooine:BluffsObi-Wan Kenobi(wb),Vaders Lightsabre(bb),maybe other mains
    Felixmbouch@Isis.digicom.qc.caYoda, Luke Skywalker(2x), Leia Organa(2x), Tamtel Skreej, Death Star(2x), U-3poObi Wan Kenobie, Luke's Sabre, Obi's Sabre Princess Leia(Cloud City) Jedi Presence(2x)
    I love to sell so mail me atblubba_dhutt@hotmail.comand make me an offer.

    This Web-Ring site is owned by __Blubba___.

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    Blubba's Favorite Links

    Xizor's Palace(Great Page)
    The Mos Eisley Trading Post
    A Great Place To Buy Cards
    The Massasi Ruins Trading Post
    The Coruscant's Trade Post
    The Jawa Bazaar Main Entrance Page(Great Page)
    Jabba's Palace