Welcome to Cory's World of Butterfly Gardens , Daisy Fields & DREW !!!

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This page is about all the things that intrest me. As you will come to find out, my intrests are very broad. They cover the whole spectrum.

I will throw a lot of different things at you, but I think that you can handle it!

If you have any questions or comments about my page...please feel free to write me at the address below. Thanks for stopping by, and ENJOY!!!


by the way...just one more thing...


I am getting ready to win the ~*~Funkadellik~*~ Award for Funkadellik sites!
Wanna be eligable to win the award too? Click Here!

My Friend's Sites!!
Austin Music!!
Drew Barrymore Links
My Drew Photo Gallery
My Drew Photo Gallery....cont'd
My Drew Photo Gallery....cont'd
My Drew Photo Gallery...Magazine Covers
Drew movies that I have
Some facts about Drew
Some Butterfly Pictures
Some of my favorite (non-DREW) sites....
My Webrings

Want to try your hand at some Trivia?? See if you can beat me!

Are you looking for some great music......Try CDNow


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