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The Who's Who of Craziness

Below is a list of the people I like to think of as friends and family. If I am missing someone, then go ahead and yell at me and if it is a convincing arguement then I will fix the mistake.

The Georgia People

Jennifer - My wife and best friend. Jennifer is definitly a calming influence on me as I do not do nearly as much insane stuff when I am with her. And yet, I still manage to do some bizarre making her drive 45 miles from Savannah to Statesboro when I busted open my eye and needed a band-aid. Still, I wouldnt change a thing...except maybe asking her out sooner instead of spending 2 months driving each other crazy.

Butt-Mullet & Elvis the Pelvis - In reality, my brothers Blake and Chase. I always took them places like movies and shows and would be one of the coolest big brothers in that regard. I have them over at my place all the time and they dont mind helping me clean house since they know they can play with my transformers or nerf guns afterwards.

Whitney - Jennifers best friend and former fiance (long story). They became friends after Jennifer knocked out Whitneys tooth in the first grade. I met her while working at DQ when Jennifer and Whitney started hanging out with gagnon and ben and I re-re-re-re-rebroke her toe. (According to her, I broke it 3 times total.) Anyways. Whitney is a great person and currently teaches orchestra at Shiloh Middle School.

Doug - If you see a guy running around dressed in full Batman gear and armed with Nerf guns, it can only mean that Doug got bored and is having some fun. Doug has many aliases, including Batman, Sting (the wrestler) and Silent Bob (from the Kevin Smith movies). Doug is the man who got me into Nerf and is a lot of fun to hang around with.

Chad - The Chad is great. He is also my dad. (funny story)He is one of the loudest, hyperist people I have ever known and can always be counted on to find the humor in almost any situation..especially if it is dirty. Quick with the comebacks, Chad is one of the best friends to brighten your day.

Emily - Having lived with Emily for two years before she moved to Chicago, I dont know if I can sum it up in a few sentences. Emily is a great friend and is always trying to cheer people up so she doesnt have to be around depressed people. Responsible for the whole Steffy name, Emily is well known for being a hyperactive jew, an avid Thrashers well as waking up surrounded by flamingos.

Brad - Brad graduated with Jennifer at Brookwood which is the year that I met him. He is a pretty mellow guy and apparently also an aardvark (ask Jenn).

Claire - I met Claire when Whitney was in the pit her senior year. She married Whitney on a band trip that year, even though Whitney was engaged to Jennifer at the time. (confused yet?)

Dana - Dana, or Dananana if you prefer, is Emily's sister. She is more reserved than Emily but she can still have fun when she wants. If you get a few drinks in her, she might even do the lawnmower.

Corey - I met Corey when he kept showing up to various parties with Brad. He is well versed in the comics and video games. He is also pretty good at frisbee and poker and likes to play whenever he can get the people together for it.

Micha - Micha was Emily's dormmate at Georgia State. She is a blast at party's or hockey games or anything else that she is involved with. She is also one of two people who have the most infectuous laughs ever known. You cant help but laugh with her when she starts.

Martin - Martin is a friend of Jenns from S.C.A.D. He is a laugh riot, being the other person with an infectuous laugh. He is a good guy and knows how to have fun..especially when singing Bon Jovi.

Mike - Mike is a friend of Corey's that started coming to gatherings with Corey. He was pretty quiet at first but after Emily told him to stop talking, he got more vocal. Mike is a good guy and pretty much down with anything that is going on.

Karen - Karen is the person I have known the longest in Georgia. Back when I moved to Georia, we had Chemistry together and later worked at DQ together. She is the definition of a good friend and always willing to offer advise or listen to my mindless rantings.

Moose - Moose actually started off as my brother Josh's friend but after a while where I would drive him places after I got off work, he became my friend. It was fun corrupting him as I introduced him to music like Nine Inch Nails and Ministry as well as proper comic book etiquette. He is currently in the seminary up in Kentucky studying to be a preacher leading me to ask where did I go wrong.

The Texas Group

Paul - My best friend from Texas. I met Paul in the 7th grade after my schedule got changed and we have been friends ever since. Paul share very similar taste in music and is an especially huge fan of They Might Be Giants having driven twelve hours and into a different state just to see them once.

Andy - Andy is Paul's brother. Andy loves a good arguement..whether it is a serious one or just some random topic (like my stupid survey). He is also always up for a good party and will go out of state if necessary to invite people.

Abbie - Abbie is Paul's sister and the one who led the campaign for my adoption into their family. Everytime I came to visit, I could expect two things to happen fairly quickly...I would get a hug from her followed shortly by my car keys or plane ticket coming up missing.

The Cousin Club - The Cousin Club is the name for all of Pauls cousins. Although I have met many of them, the ones I have the most association with would be Beth, Caryn, Lauren, Miranda, Rachael, & Rebecca. These were the ones whom I would entertain with such crazy antics as throwing myself over a couch or into a pool. Look in the links section for some of their Blogs.

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