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Bucket Tag

This site is dedicated to a game born 4 years ago during a night of little sleep and extreme hyperness. It started by me, Moose, and Josh actually trying to get some sleep and tossing glow in the dark buckets at each other to get each other to shut up. After a while, we came up with the idea to play tag with the buckets.

Basically the game goes like this. The person who is it takes the bucket and goes into the charge room. This is the only room in the house that the light is on; the rest of the house has its lights off. It(meaning the person who is it) has to count to 50 while holding the bucket up to the light to charge it. After the count, It then turns off the light and goes looking for everyone else. There is no base to run to; the only way the turn ends is when someone gets tagged by the bucket, and I mean bucket. If you don't tag them with the bucket, they are not it. As for hiding places, they are as infinite as your imagination. The whole house is game unless otherwise declared off limits. And you don't have to stay in one spot. You are free to move around the house if you want. This makes the game more fun. Another thing you can do is start talking, singing, yelling, etc. to the person that is it. This can throwoff the person who is it, making him think someone is in a particular place when they are not, once again making the game more challenging.

Run Away!! Run Away!!