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Fishing in Texas-Dave Bristol's Hot Spots in the Lone Star State

Howdy Neighbor! Welcome to my Fishing Texas Web Page. My name is David Bristol and I'd like to thank you for coming in. I've put together some info about my personal favorite lures and live baits as well as a few links to some Web sites which I have found interesting. If you have any Questions about fishing in Texas, whether it's fresh or salt water, boat or bank fishing, just e-mail me at the address below. I will be putting in some articles and reviews about baits and lures, boats, tackle and some hot spots around the state. Finally, feel free to send your fish stories and jokes, as well as your feelings and experiences with anything having to do with fishing in Texas! Some hot lakes around the state: Lake Fork-Lot's of record fish out of this lake.Tends to be crowded,so remember your safe boating guidelines. Lake Livingston-Great Catfish,Bass and Perch action.Catfish off the bank but a boat is best for the rest. Other Hot Spots: San Luis Pass Pier-For a small fee you can fish off this looong pier for Sand Trout, Speckled Trout, Sheepshead, Drum and Gafftopsail.
Lake Fork action is HOT! I caught 5 keeper Bass and my wife and I had a fish fry for our neighbors. This was off the bank, too! If you have a boat, make sure your live well is working correctly because you'll need it. *UPDATE* Soon after I added this story to my page a gentleman named Edwin Pierce sent me an e-mail: "Did you ever hear of catch and release? You should be ashamed to put a message that you caught 5 keeper fish and had a fish fry. Idiots like you is why bass fishing in Texas is not better than it is. Keep such stupid info to yourself. Some of us have more pride in our sport and don't want people like you to give it a bad name." This was the e-mail I sent in return: "It distresses me that you would consider my right to keep and eat legally caught fish invalid. Also, I can't think of anyone who would consider the Bass fishing in Texas to be bad. The Bass populations in almost all of the lakes and reservoirs are increasing rapidly. I think that pollution is the main cause of fish populations, Bass and others, declining in SOME bodies of water around Texas. If you need more info on the Bass population in Texas waters, please contact the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to update your information on this subject. As for me being an idiot, well, if you knew me personally, I would probably be offended. Since you don't, I can only assume that you are angry about what you perceive to be a waste of our natural resources. This is a position I can admire in a person. It is people like you who get things done about the environment. FYI - I do the same. I do catch and release but not EVERY time I fish. Be assured that as a responsible Angler that I take more photos of fish than I take fish to eat. Thanks for your e-mail, and please feel free to contact me again anytime. D. Bristol" To add to this message sent to Mr. Edwin Pierce of Lake Fork, I would like to point out that catch and release is a great way to fish. It's nice to take great photos of your catch and then let them go to be caught another day. HOWEVER, my decision to keep some of the many, many fish I have caught for the purpose of feeding my family and the family of my neighbors is just as valid as my decision to catch and release on numerous other occasions. If catch and release ever becomes law, then I will abide by it as I do other laws pertaining to our sport of fishing. Mr. Pierce's comments are an example of a concept that makes me proud to be an American - Free Speech. But, Free Speech does not neccessarily mean intelligent speech. I also recieved an e-mail from someone at "just last week i caught a 8 pound bass up at my grandmas and i was using the banjo minnow.It works like a charm" I am not surprised! Ever since I first ordered that bait from TV, I have had good luck with all kinds of fish both fresh and salt water. Now, just because I think the Banjo is great doesn't mean it's the only bait in my tackle box! I am convinced that live or fresh dead bait is probably the best kind of bait to catch fish with. Unfortunately, we as fisherpersons don't always have the access to fresh bait. Send your fishing stories and comments to me and I will post them to my page here just as you wrote them along with my comments.

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My Ten Favorite Baits-These are baits that I have actually caught fish with on Texas waterways.

Check Out These Great Links!

Angelfire - This site is where I went to create this Page. Easy,Fast and best of all-FREE!
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department-This Page has helped me with phone numbers,maps, and legal questions.
The Castaic Lure Company-These folks have some great bass fishing lures.
The Battlefield Bait Company-Another great lure company.
Matilda Search Engine-A great search device for the Web. Be sure to bookmark this on your browser.
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