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The Wisdoms of the Bishop Chevalier

Sometimes our founder expresses something in such a short, simple way that it just bears repeating.Many of these little "Wisdoms" as we call them will be collected here. Journalists, writers and webmasters are encouraged to quote from this section freely, with proper credit of course.

(1) " Any two honest,intelligent people will eventually disagree. That we disagree doesn't matter, but how we handle our disagreement."

(2) "Beware those who worship down at the Church of the Almighty Dollar ! They will do or fall for anything."

(3) " Some people woke up dead today, boy were they surprised ! They went to bed last night with all these big plans etc. Then they found out the hard way it was too late. The lesson here is, everyday that you wake up is a blessing from God. Every day you just wake up, you're already better off than some people."

(4) "A great soldier trains like the devil all day, and prays every night that it was all a waste of time."

(5) " Like all great leaders, a mother's needs always seem to come last."

(6) " There are no good dumb jobs anymore, insist on being educated!"

(7) "The harder you make it to comply with a policy, the more contempt you create for that policy."

(8) " We've all heard the old saying that charity begins at home. Well so does ministry ! A great pastor, pastors his family first."

(9) " Its not about THEM or what THEY did. Its about YOU, and what what kind of person YOU want to be. "

(10) " It doesn't do any good to gripe about the sun rising in the east. Some things are just part of the nature of the universe."

(11) " The truest test of our leadership, is not when everything goes right, its how we adapt when everything goes wrong."

(12) " To a true family man the needs and wants of his family are not burdens, or interuptions. They are the source of his greatest satisfactions."

(13) "Parenthood is the most immportant Ministry most people will ever undertake."

(14) " The Christian Faith is NOT a spectator sport ! Always be looking for new ways to put your faith in Christ into action."

(15) "Everybody does it is a poor excuse ! In nearly every case EVERYBODY doesn't. Besides you, are your own person, "everybody" whoever they are, shouldn't be making your life decisions for you."

(16) "Goals are nothing but dreams, until and unless you put them into action."

(17) " You have to see it to believe it, and you have to believe it to achieve it ! Practice visualizing what it is you want. Actually picture yourself having it, or doing it."

(18) " The more I learn the dumber I feel, bcause the more aware I become of what I still don't know."

(19) " People are programable, just like computers. Our programing includes everything we have learned, or experienced. We should not be surprised then, that reprograming people can take a great deal of time and effort. If you want to impact a person's life, be willing to invest a lot more time and effort in them."

(20) " If the marriage isn't formed in the hearts and minds of the couple first, then the wedding is just a fancy party."

(21) " The accumulation of knowledge is less about the memorization of facts and dates, than it is about learning to ask the right questions."

(22) " Love is a most unpredictable thing"

(23) "There is no such thing as wasted knowledge, however there is definately such a thing as wasted brainpower."

(24) "No matter if you work at Wal-Mart or on Wall Street, hold your head high. For there is never reason to find disgrace in an honest day's work."