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<bgsound src="inmylife1.mid" loop=infinite>


My heart breaks when I look at these faces
Where can they be? Any number of places
We are all God's children, young or old
For them right now the world must seem so cold!
The family's burden must be great
Not knowing their children's fate
Each night I pray they return safely home
Nevermore to roam this cold cruel world alone

to my little corner of the web. Since I started this sight years ago, many changes have come my way. I have relocated to a new state, become a Grandmother of which I am most proud. So pull up a chair, get a cup of coffee and let me entertain you for a while. If you see something you like please let others know...if you see something you don't like....please let me know.

Much like the creator of these pages.....(yours truly!) It will be in a constant state of construction.So visit often you never know what you may find.

Daremore Quotes

Little Man Amanda December28,1983
Leonard A Daughter's Prayer Grandmother
Up The Hill You Are Loved Is this The Last Meal Of The Day
A Few Of Her Favorite Things My Mountain Home Life Goes On
If Tomorrow Starts Without Me Three Little Angels Her Name Is Mommy Too
You Let It Be I'm Taking Control
The Little Warrior A Letter From Brian Dakota
The Lighthouse Time and Temper We Interrupt This Program...
Love Bonafide Poet If I Tell You That I'm Listening
Little Sister A Lesson Learned Sherri
Just Be There Safe In My Father's Arms What Easter Means To Me
Blizzard 2003 Blizzard Cont. A Little More Snow

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