Poem 5

The Day All Things Die: by Daniel Dunham
The mighty shall fall,
The strong wiill despair!
The meek shall inherit,
The wicked beware!
The trumpet shall sound,
And all the Earth shall cry,
Upon the day that all things die.
My God in his Heaven,
Is worthy alone,
To judge all the nations,
Upon his white throne,
To sit in his glory,
Grim faced in the sky,
He is the master 
Of the day that all things die.
The liers and sinners,
Who call us insane,
Who say God is dead,
And that we worship in vain,
Who never understood,
But never did try,
Will realize to late,
On the day that all things die.
The men of the devil,
Who follow his lead,
Who do as they wilt,
And make sinners bleed,
Who sell their own souls,
For a terrible lie,
Will suffer the greatest 
On the day all things die.
But to those who carry
A cross as their sword,
Who no they're unworthy,
But worship the Lord,
They shall ascend,
With him to the sky,
They alone shall live,
On the day all things die.

Email: danoland@hotmail.com