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OUR SPECIAL VP MEN There are some special men in vp that mean alot to us... With out all there patience and understand we would of been lost at times .. We can jump on them and harass them even call them all sorts of names and they still are our friends..There is Shufly and ATK Taz who know when we are down and out and always put a smile on our faces..Then there is Superfly and Buckmaster that with out a doubt are comedians in themselves..Then we have Stroker _Ace and BackTrack and Wyatt and Why me Lord and Backroads and Frosty that are remarkable men in there own they always make it feel like home in South West.. Yall men make vp up to like a family as well as the gals and we would like to thank yall very much for also being there..Then there is MinerMikey he is our very own brother who is the specialist type of man in our life we love you bubba...Then there is RodeoRider who is my special friend who i can tell things to and wont judge me love ya buddy..Then there is TC and Fengshui who are so talented by sharing there awesome gestures...That give us so much pleasure ..Then of course we cant forget Spammmmmy he is one of kind and isnt even a cowboy....Then we have Cow_boy and TrailBoss and Deputy D they are our newest members in our family that we admire also for being there for us...And The Dance, he is a special friend, Thanks Dance for all "The wonderful thoughts of the day", I always look forward to them.

RANGER30 There is one man, who has been many things to both of us,,he is a brother, friend, and many more things,, Ranger, you are a very special man in so many ways and we love you tons. May you be blessed for always being there for both of us................. Love you!!!! CG66 and Roz


Our special men are one of a kind ...

There a bred in it's own that we are proud to know..

They touch our hearts and fill it with joy...

They make us laugh and cry in all on whack..

For they have that knack.....

We love you all thanks for being there for us !!!!!!!!!!!

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Sis's page
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
