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Man comes into this world without his consent, and leaves it against his will, during his stay on Earth, his time is spent in one continual round of contraries and misunderstandings with his fellow men.

In his infancy, he is an angel. In his boyhood, he is a devil. In his manhood, he is everything from a lizard up. In his duties, he is a fool. If he raises a family, he is a chump. If he raises a check, he is a thief. And then the law raises hell with him. If he is poor, he is a bad manager and has no sense. If he is rich, he is dishonest but considered smart. If he is in politics, he is a grafter and a crook. If he is out of politics, you can place him as an undesirable citizen. If he goes to church, he is a hypocrit; and, if he stays away from church, he is a sinner and damned. If he donates to foreign missionaires, he does it for show. If he doesn't, he is stingy and a "tight". When he first comes into the world, everybody wants to kiss him. Before he goes out of it, they all want to kick him. If he dies young, there was a great future for him. If he lives to a ripe old age, he is in the way and is only living to save funeral expense.

This is a hard road but we like to travel it. In order to be healthy, he must eat nothing, drink nothing, smoke nothing and see that the air is properly sterilized before breathing.

The author of this is unknown. My Mother found it among some of her things and it was on a card advertising my uncle's hamburger stand from the 1940's. Not much has changed, has it?

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