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Don't be reckless with other peoples' hearts.

Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.

Some men-----battle to the top;
Others-----bottle to the bottom.

Our strength is shown in the things we stand for;
Our weakness is shown in the things we fall for.

The best thing to do behind a person's back---
is pat it!

Nothing is more frequently "opened by mistake" than the mouth.

Oftentimes when we hear our children talk,
we realize we should have been more careful
of what they heard us say.

Sinful pleasures can make you laugh,
but they can never dry your tears.

We must never be silent when we ought to speak.
We must never speak when we ought to be silent.

Do unto others as though you were the others.

Great minds...discuss ideas. Average minds...
discuss events. Small minds...discuss people.

There are 773,692 words in the Bible,
but not once can we find the word "worry"
among them. The conclusion is obvious----
if "worry" is not in God's vocabulary,
it should not be in ours.

If you think this is worthy of sending, please forward it to all you know. One of these thoughts might just be the very one someone needs to read!

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