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    "Whew, that was a close one!" Isis exclaims. "What? What's happening?" you ask very confused. "Oh hello!" Isis says, "Didn't know we had a guest! Well let me introduce myself. I am Isis. I used to be the goddess of Kohva Crater, but after that incident, I don't know what I am. I'd like to claim myself goddess of Paradise Cove, but I have to go check out if there are any other gods or goddesses already established here." "What indecent?" you ask. "oh it's a long story but you can read it here. I'm afraid I can't be joining you while you explore because I have lots of Urgent Goddess Business a.k.a. UGB to attend to. I'll have a guide come and show you around, well bye!" With that Isis morphs into a ball of light and zooms away.