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What is Content Mastery?


  • Model
  • Content Mastery is a model that was developed over ten years ago in Texas in the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD for the learning disabled population. It replaced the resource room primarily at the elementary level. Students are placed in a regular education classroom and receive CM help as a support. One might think of CM as a tutorial center.

    Most CM Centers have one or two aides working side by side with the special education teacher. The aides are an invaluable source and keep the Center open when the teacher is out for ARD meetings and conferences. Students come to CM in small groups or individually. They come with a pass from the regular classroom teacher that details the time they left the room, time to return, work assigned, page numbers, etc.

  • Students
  • The students attending the Content Mastery come from grades 2-5. Most students are learning disabled but other exceptionalities are included. Students attend CM a minimum amount of time as determined by the ARD Committee. CM also services another population called Learning Center students. These students are mostly the at-risk population and may become identified special education students in the future.

  • Curriculum
  • The curriculum in Content Mastery matches that of the regular classroom. Students will receive direct instruction in the classroom and then as necessary visit CM for guided practice, independent practice, re-teaching or test taking. Students stay in their classroom for discussion, projects, films, cooperative learning, etc. Students will come for help on any subject. Much of the classwork they bring will be modified to meet their needs. Modifications may include computer work, shortenend assignments, color coding, use of manipulatives, mnemonics, study guides, and graphic organizers.

  • Materials
  • In order to service students in all grades a variety of materials are required:

    Learning Disabilities

    Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
    Richard Wanderman
    Living With ADD
