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Pulling up chairs for everyone...please don't fall out!!! I know it only took me forever to update this page but here I am, mainly b/c everyone keeps saying hey when are you gonna update your page b/c you have already been to Japan. Well here goes i'm gonna update it!!! There's alot that has happened since my recent (well almost a year ago) trip to Japan. Let me first apologize for the promised pictures of the Japan pictures, but as most of you know Roger is history, and unfortunately most of the pictures I took there have him in them and I wouldn't post them without his permission b/c I wouldn't want him to post mine anywhere on the interenet without my permission. (see how nice I am even though he's a cheat and a liar *EG*..that was mean and i'll hush) So come on in and i'll update ya'll on some stuff!!!


Let me think? (hush that's not the scary part) The flight there was wonderful, and I discovered I love to fly. While there I learned I hate Japenese food (made me ill one night), I learned people with curly hair should not be allowed in the humid climate place, and I learned to think before taking action!!! (lmbo) Ok I also got to see a part of the world that I had never seen. Overall it was very pretty and clean. I seen the emperor Palace (have pictures), the gardens, very beautiful. I went to the Tokoyo Disneyland, went shopping in one of their shopping districts, oh golly whatelse..ohhhh i seen street performers, I have never in my life seen this except in movies. They were called SWIBE. Do you know them???? lol I seen lots of pretty stuff, but over all I was very glad to get back to the U.S!!! And this brings me to my current love, Jimmy. I never thought I would be able to tolerate one of my brothers friends but Jimmy has proven me wrong, we have a alot of fun together. He makes me laugh constantly (a big plus), he's not moody (another plus). Anyways we have been dating for a while now and he's really a nice guy reguardless of what Roy (my brother) says!! *winking at Jimmy* j/k. Even though Roger and I are completely over I wouldn't take back anything, b/c he has given me one thing...oops TWO things that I will always be grateful for (thanks rog...sarcastic). These two things I will always be grateful for and could never reget. I won't get into that this is a public thing and I don't wish for anyone to know this!!! *S*
Jimmy and I are very very serious right now, i'll have to keep ya'll updated and when i find some pictures i'll post them ok promise! Jimmy and I are planning a vacation, but we have to wait till after april at least. I think we are going to Branson Missouri!!

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I'm Sorry, Did I Break Your Concentration .....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.



Son-in-Law, The Color Purple,Hope Floats, Something to Talk About,
Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, runaway bride and plenty more...these are ones that i could watch over & over!

ON LINE BUDDIES: (in no certain order) Jimmy, Foxy27+, Britton, Snoopy,King Randy Roo, Printman, Escape, HoT~PePpEr, Calista, Demetria, AngeL, Lu and Les, Ivan, Lisa, CT, Brian, SJW, Octopus, TLD, KittyCat, freewoman, elfmaid, Mallory Knox, larry, Biker, PATSFAN, Eureka.357, Cajun Girl, Paul, Pbair, Madness, Thumper, the blackened, iomega and #3fan. *wracking my brain i know i'm forgetting a ton of people* ohhhhhh good goolly help me...mmmmmmm who who who am i forgetting....well i'll add you later your not forgotten i'm just rushing as usual.

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