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Cheerworld's Fundraising Ideas!

Fundraising Ideas!

This year, our budget got cut, so we had to do a lot of fund raising. Our coach contacted her Home Interior rep, and we sold candles in a jar. They smell wonderful, and she even gave us a sample of each one to take around to people and let them smell them. We took orders and collected the money, and everyone was so excited when they got their candles. We set a minimum that all the cheerleaders had to sell and everyone sold more than that. Everyone loves candles, and we made between $800 and $900.


Well we have a small squad, but what we did is everyone in our squad brought stuff for a Yard Sale. We put up signs everywhere and had a yard sale on a busy road, and had it on Saturday. We live in a small (pop 2000) and we made $700. Only imangine if you live in a large community.


A great fund-raising idea for your school's cheerleading team plus the school band is to hold a concert with the band playing their songs, fight songs and of course CHEERS!!! Charge 1 or 2 dollars, we made a lot doing this plus it was a lot of fun


I know it sounds crazy, but you wouldn't believe how well fruit sells. Each year our GAA (girl's athletic association) has 1 fundraiser...the fruit sale. Each girl, no matter what sport, sells boxes of fruit for $16 each. Honestly, people sell a ton of this stuff and we raise enough money each year to support all of our teams without any other fundraiser. New uniforms are bought, awards, special events, everything is all paid for through this one fundraiser. Try it!! =)


sell car flags for a fund raiser! we did it this year and have raised over 500 dollars for competition!


A great fundraising idea that we just tried for the first time this year was what we called the Mr. Irrisistable Contest. 15 guys were nominated by the sponsor and head cheerleaders based on school involvement, character, personality, etc. Then we put on a "Miss America" pageant where the boys competed in areas of talent, question and answer, dance, and crowd appeal. The cheerleaders were the "faculty" of the show, doing escorting and ticket sales and even bake sales, as well as collecting the crowd votes to be tallied by the judges. Tickets were sold for 3.00 during the week and 4.00 at the entrance. Also, drinks and snacks were sold to add to the fundraising element. Overall, we profited over 1500 dollars from this fundraiser and it greatly helped to pay our way to Nationals in Orlando, Florida! A panel of judges coupled with the audience's votes leads to the choosing of THE Mr. Irrisistable. Other awards may be handed out as well, including Mr. Personality, Smile, Dancer, Dresser, Talent, Hair, Eyes, Legs, etc. so all feel rewrded for their effort and hard work Also, before the contest, parents and cheerleaders had companies donate gifts such as CD gift certificates, oil change certificates, cologne, t-shirts, dinner for two, etc.. that were given to each contestant so no one was left empty handed. Best part of that is that the companies can use the donations as a tax write-off, so no purchasing of gifts by the cheerleaders is necessary at all! All in all, this event proved to be VERY profitable as well as extremely entertaining to the audience...friends and family alike from all over our community attended and can't wait till our Mr. Irrisitable contest next year! It takes alot of parent and cheerleader cooperation and planning, but the memory and especially the profits are well worth the effort. Good Luck on your very own first annual Mr. Irrisistable Contest!


When in need of money for new uniforms, tumbling classes, and the cost of a corigropher, are team held a jump a-thon. What is a jump a-thon? Well, its a brief 5 min. when a cheerleader is asked to do as many jumps as possible without the use of a trampoline. We asked friends, family, and the community for a donation to each girl. Somepeople wher willing to give money at a flat rate, for example, $5.00 no matter how many jumps a girl does, while others donated $.05-$.50 towards every jump the girl did. Good luck!


This past fall, the 25 cheerleaders on the squad went to two seperate gas stations in a busy intersection and pumped gas and washed windows for "a donation". The girls did this for four hours on two seperate Saturday and Sunday mornings. We raised just over $600. We also put up flyers in area supermarkets and restaurants adverstising the fund raiser a couple days before. If anyone lives near a college area, I would do the same thing, but do it near the toll road or near the college the morning of a home game for those that tail gate. Another idea may be to add a car wash. Good Luck!


Every year our squad makes posters for the football and basketball seasons. The posters have the schedules of the games, and pictures of our teams and our squad. We begin getting donations for ads in the spring. ads cost from $25 to $175 depending on the size of the ads. We get ads from all of the local businesses and even from some parents. The ads are put at the top, on the bottom, or along the sides. Then we have them "published" Each business that buys an ad recieves a few free posters. At the football games we sell the rest for $1 or $2. All the coaches, cheerleaders, and players get on free. Most of the money come from ads. We raise about $1,500 at the least


Our squad raised money by selling candy grams in our school during holidays. This was a popular fundraiser and the money we made went towards new poms and competition accesories!


This year, my school held a womanless beauty review. This means that the boys in the school, dress up as girls, and are seeing who is the most beautiful. The girls dress up as guys and are the escorts. We had a lot of fun. You just charge everyone that wants to watch, a small fee of one or two dollars. Big schools will make good off this one. We have a high school of 300 and still made lots of money.


We are having a basketball game with the boys and the girls teams , the MM staff , coaching staff and us . We will all play a quarter until the finals and we have the student body pay a dollar to get in!


Every year we hold a "Youth Cheer Clinic". The Varsity and JV cheerleaders make up a new cheer, dance and sideline to teach to the elementary kids. There is then a clinic on a saturday morning where the elementary kids come and learn the fundamentals of cheerleading. Then we admit all of the girls for free into a basketball game and during half-time all cheerleaders plus little girls put on a show! The girls love it, and the cheerleaders do too. It draws in a lot of money for the cheerleading program ($5.00) per girl plus for the athletic department, the parents must pay to get into the game. This year was a great success, we made over $500. It is always a big crowd pleaser. The little girls don't usually do the rouutine correctly (even though we make it as simple as can be) but they look so adorable trying to do it!


A great fundraising idea that we tried this year was Holiday Season Babysitting. The Friday after Thanksgiving and the following two Saturdays, the cheerleaders babysat children of parents who wanted to go Holiday shopping with out their children (and for any other reason) for $2.00 per hour for the first child and $1.00 an hour for each additional child from the same immediate family. We had a parent and a coach with the cheerleaders at all times for liability reasons. We fed them pb&j sandwiches and cookies, had juice and drinks for them, watched movies, played games, read to them, and just kept them entertained. You must advertise it well and at the local daycares. It's almost 100% profit and great fun for all.


Our squad raised ALL the money ourselves for a new uniform last year by selling old uniforms! We found at least 20 years worth of old uniforms stored away in closets and storage rooms at the high school (our school district normally buys the uniforms and they gave us permission to sell them). Once a set of uniforms was retired, they were stored away and forgotten about! We dug them out, washed them and put an ad in the local newspaper that we were selling cheerleading uniforms. First, we looked up former cheerleaders in the yearbooks and offered the uniforms to them first! They sold like hotcakes! We raised more than enough money to purchase 14 brand-new one-piece uniforms! The school board was impressed how we recycled old uniforms to purchase new ones and saved them money! So, if your school purchases the uniforms for your squad, it might be worth checking to see what they have done with the retired uniforms from past years. Could become easy money in your activity fund!


Another easy way to raise money is to hold a trophy raffle at yearly alumni banquets. Our school stores old sports trophies, ribbons, etc. away as the collection grows from year to year. With permission from your athletic director and prinicipal, you could raffle these trophies off to former alums who would absolutely treasure them, and raise lots of money for your squad!)


Our cheerleaders held a fund raiser with a local kitchen consultant (note from UCA - like "Tupperware" or "The Pampered Chef"). The girls sold quality kitchen products and received 15% of their total sales. Pur team made over $500.00!


This fall, our cheerleaders put together a recipe/cookbook. They gathered up favorite recipes from the community, and then we separated them according to category. The recipes were typed into the computer, and then printed out. We made a nice cover using graphics on the school computer. We then ran a copy of the book on green (our school color) paper through the photocopier. We displayed it at football games, and took orders for $5.00 each. The books sold like wildfire, and we were able to raise enough money to buy new pom pons, from Varsity of course, for the squad!


For every Varsity game, the cheerleaders make Break Thru signs for the teams to run through. This takes up a lot of time each week, and coordinating schedules and finding a work area is always tough. This year, we decided to turn the "creating" time into a fundraiser! We held a Banner-A-Thon during the summer. The cheerleaders got people to pledge them money (.10 cents to $1) for each hour that they stayed awake and made banners. We went to the gym on a Friday night and stayed until 24 hours later on Saturday night. Parents stopped by and brought snacks and we ordered pizza. The girls had a great time making the banners, took lots of pictures and made over $900! We completed all of the signs for Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons in 24 hours, raised money, and promoted squad unity!
