Chas's Webpage Making Webpage!
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Chas's Webpage Company

I'll make you a great webpage for the cheapest prices and best quality guaranteed, for more information read below!

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Hi My name is Chas, I Live in Dallas Texas...I am Making Webpages...For some of the lowest prices on the net!...If you would like me to make you a Business, Personal, or Pleasure Webpage, I can Save you Hundreds of dollars and I promise that your webpage will be a great webpage...Most Webpages cost $800 to $1500 dollars, But not mine, my prices range from $50.00 to $200.00 dollars, depending on what type of webpage you want and how graphic you want it! I have some of the best graphics and a great Webpage System, Please E-mail Me at or at Will be happy to give you pricing information and/or build you your very own webpage!!

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