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Welcome to West Texas!!! Not many people visit out here much any more, not like they ever did, I guess. Not much to see. That's why we're glad to have the Internet. We can paint whatever kind of picture we want and those of you in Kazakstan won't be any the wiser.

But seriously, the Tall Cotton District has nothing to do with West Texas agriculture, oil, horses, or any other Texas stereotype. Well, I take that actually does. The Tall Cotton District is a group of schools who have students who have something to say and are not afraid to say it. About 17 weekends out of the year, the students from these high schools travel from El Paso to Amarillo to Dallas to Brownsville to compete in the Texas Forensic Association (TFA) . Then, in April, their focus shifts from TFA to the University Interscholastic League (UIL) disrtict, regional, and state competition in each of the state's five classifications (1A-5A). Then, in mid-April, all you-know-what breaks loose as the member schools attempt to secure some of the 20 National Qualifications at stake at NFL (National Forensic League) District in Amarillo.

All in all, the students in the Tall Cotton District, along with students in the other 101 districts in the country and its territories, prove in a major way that high school students can be articulate, educated, and proud to represent themselves, their schools, and their states. So come on in and explore the world that is the Tall Cotton District.

....just a note or two.

1. This page is a work-in-progress, so bookmark it and come back often for updates.

2. Any coach who has any information they would like included in their school's section is welcome to e-mail me the information. Just click on the e-mail address at the bottom of each page. I regret to say that I did not know enough information about some of the Panhandle and South Plains area schools to form a page, so any info. about them is greatly appreciated.

This page was created by me -->

(eric mears)

with a little guidance from my coach -->

(hb mccain)

Go To:

Our NFL District (and we're not talking football!!!)
Lots of CX Debate Stuff (Thanks Dumas H.S.!!!!)
1998 National Qualifiers
Take the New and Improved Tall Cotton Challenge!!!
Calendar of Events
Tall Cotton Area Weather From Weather Underground
Other Schools' Speech Links
