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The Forty-five Degree Angle



Why are these inventors having a problem with this heat chamber? Is this heat chamber causing a thermo-nuclear reaction? If so, why the angles through Earth? Well these inventors, and I'm afraid today's scientist are included, do not understand how fusion works. I guess one needs to understand the "fusion principle". Before we can talk about the fusion principle, one will need to understand how the universe is structured. Astro-physicists, or philosophers, have been trying to figure this out for centuries' perhaps thousands of years. The best way I can describe the universe is like a bubble in a sea of heat, space in an ocean of energy. This space was formed because of the Big Bang.


Today's scientists tell us that the present day universe contains only about 10% of the known mass. The other 90% is considered "dark matter", or matter that does not interact with light so as to make it invisible. Also, today's scientists are considering as to why the universe's expansion is accelerating and have called this accelerating energy the "dark force" or "dark energy". In other words, scientists know that something is out there, they know that because they can "feel" the gravity.

Why is this other world invisible?

Currently, scientists on working on a theory called Superstring Theory that deals with a ten-dimensional space-time, but we observe a four-dimensional space-time. Without going further into Superstring Theory, except to say that it forms the idea of how the electrons and the elementary particles that makes up the nucleus of the atom are created.


Since we know and observe the four-dimensional space-time, what about the other six dimensions?

There is an invisible six-dimensional cube that lies 90 degrees to our plane of existence. One one cannot see this structure, but one can see its "shadow". How does this invisible six-dimensional cube have anything to do with the angles through Earth presented earlier? Or with fusion?



One notices that the angles through Earth are forming a two-dimensional representation of a six-sided cube. The reason the force went through Earth at this particular angle, either at 30 degrees or at 45 degrees angle, is that Heat, or the force that causes Heat, is a two-dimensional force. To illustrate this two-dimensional property of Heat, there is a simple experiment one can do that demonstrates this quality.

  Two candles are placed on the ends of a yard stick, enclosed in glass to keep the flames from going out, then the yard stick is set in motion on its own axis. As the yardstick revolves, the flame of the candles will bend towards the middle of the revolution, indicating that Heat has the property of traveling towards the center of a revolving body

In other words, Heat being a two-dimensional entity existing in a three-dimensional world, behaves in this manner. Now then, you have this six-dimensional cube, each side consisting of six 2-dimensional sides, and these sides could be called "branes", or "plasma fields".

Each side, then, is perpendicular (90 degree angle) to each other. Light (or rather electro-magnetic wave), and forces of nature only react to each other at right angles. In the example below, the electro-magnetic wave is made up of electric force field, and the Magnetic force field; and as these force fields spiral, in a helical wave, they criss-cross one another at some particular wavelength.




The point where the force fields criss-cross is perpendicular, or at an angle of 90 degrees, to each other. The forces are traveling in one direction, criss-cross, then reverse their direction. When the forces travel back in the same direction, then this gives you the wavelength.


A very good example of this cycle is the Solar cycle, In which the reversal of the polar magnetic fields occurs when the forces criss-cross about every eleven years. One of the properties of fusion, then, is polarity reversal. The full cycle of the Sun is about twenty-two years.


Magnetic butterfly diagram.


The Heat force, then, comes out at an angle of forty-five degrees each time the Electric force field and the Magnetic force field criss-cross, but only in one direction, towards the center of the spiral. This is very important concept, because others in another time and in another world have failed to consider this Heat force, and ended up destroying themselves!

Then one has Four Corners, which gives a cube, (the six dimensions) and out of each corner, the heat force comes out at an angle of forty-five degrees. These four angles of the Heat force that come out at this Angle meet in the center of the cube. The heat forces criss-cross at 90 degrees and the process starts all over again. This how the process of thermal-nuclear works. Four hydrogen nuclei combined at the same time to form helium nuclei, the source of the Sun’s energy.



So back to the question again, "Why are the worlds invisible to each other"? Light only reacts to matter at 90 degree angles, so if another world is offset at an angle other than 90 degrees, then light would not react to it, and therefore, it becomes invisible. However, Gravity, the other force of nature, still reacts to both worlds, no matter what the angles are, and so we can "feel" the other world's Gravity. This other world, then, comes across to us as "dark matter" and the Heat force as "dark energy".



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